Apple iPhone/iPad players-- Please join me in an angry, frustrated roar of NOOO to let out all your frustration. When you are done, take a deep breath and be reassured by some GOOD NEWS: This bug will WILL BE FIXED in the next update.
What Happened?
The new Undead Assault update finally went live, but its' primary new feature, the one that lets you link to AQWorlds, unexpectedly broke upon release. I (Artix) feel just like you do... because I use an iPhone, bought on day 1, and have been eagerly waiting to redeem my armor in AQWorlds too. The feature was functioning correctly in testing-- so it was a complete shock when the new update went live and the new screens were not showing like they were supposed to.. The next Undead Assault Apple update will fix this. You do not have to do anything but join me in demonstrating the steel patience of a true undead hunter.
The next update will fix this.
You do not have to do anything.
No, there is nothing you can do to make it work until the next update.
Yes, we thoroughly tested this before submission. It worked. We are investigating what happened and will share this with you when we get to the bottom of it (because we know you appreciate how open we are about these things with you.)
If you bought before the update, you will still have the Diamyo pet (you see him on the title screen), but the screen where you buy Daimyo still shows a price tag-- and none of the buttons work. When the next fix goes live, that screen will say "OWNED!" and you will get a redeem button.
If you bought Daimyo after the update, you see the correct screen but get a 404 error when attempting to redeem. When the next fix goes live, it will simply work as you expected.
Do not delete your app, you will lose all your gold.
If you did delete your app, you can restore Daimyo to get him back.
Apples app approval process normally takes about a week.
We are going to get on our hands and knees and beg them to push it through faster since this is a critical bug.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support. I look forward to liking your extremely lengthy "NOOOOOOOOs!" in the comment section below. - Artix
Happy Mogloween! (That is Artix Entertainment's in-game version of a Halloween celebration.) Time to squash, bash, and slay your way to victory in this week's new game releases!
WHAT: Join musical guest stars The CrüxShadows for the ULTIMATE in-game concert WHEN:Friday, October 30th, 2015 at sundown... the night before Halloween! WHO: Join tens of thousands of your fellow heroes and the Artix Entertainment team! WHY: Because airship concerts, explosions, and pyramids on fire in-game concert are better than the sweetest Mogloween treat!
Sunday is the Last Chance for 7th Upholder!
October's almost over! If you want to become a 7th Upholder and gain access to all of our new StarSwords, the class, and the all-new Upholder-only zone, be sure to upgrade your account before Sunday night!
See what the rest of our game teams have planned for Mogloween when we update this post tomorrow!
Our gratitude to all of you who got and rated our new game, it is climbing its way up the charts! That simple action you took is making a real difference.
If you haven't tried Undead Assault, our new infinite runner mobile game, you can get it now for Android and Apple devices at!
See what other players are saying:
Absolutely love it! I downloaded this as soon as I woke up this morning and I haven't stopped playing it since. It’s addicting and can be quite challenging at times. I love it. 5 star rating from me :D - Justin Serina
This game is awesome!!! It's about time we have a running game that also does other things instead of just running lol! - Julio Miranda
Good ol' Undead Slaying Fun I was ecstatic when it was announced that Undead Assault would release this afternoon at noon; "I can get it before I go to college!" Boy, I wasn't disappointed. Explosions, Undead Dragons, and TONS of rad unlockables! I'm pretty confident that I'll be playing the heck out of this between classes. :') Thanks for another great game, Artix Entertainment. - Z. Cantrall
It is Undead Assault weekend at Artix Entertainment! Our new mobile game, Undead Assault, launched for the Android and Apple App stores on Wednesday. Get Undead Assault on the Google Play App Store and the Apple iOS store for free NOW! If you like slaying the undead, give us 5 stars on the App store and tell your friends!
• 5 Paladin weapon & armor sets… each with a “special” attack O_O • “Battle on!” theme song by One-Eyed Doll • Upgradable Power Ups! • Collect rare loot… no idea what it does, but it is collectible. So. Yeah. Collecting! • “Legend of Artix” book… can you find the mysteriously missing pages?
This week's AdventureQuest Worlds release is celebrating with an entire release themed around slaying the undead. Battle through Darkovia alongside Artix this week in an Evil Dead / Walking Dead / Undead Assault homage-parody-quest of OMG ZOMBIES!
One zombie dragon.
An army of 50,000 evil undead.
And an ancient chainsaw katana that could destroy them all... IF you can survive to claim it!
Unlock the Dragon Samurai set with a 2000, 5000, or 12000 AdventureCoin package!
This is one of our deadliest, most elegant samurai sets yet, and the trim is color customizable!
You survived a trek across the vast Skraeling Desert and solved the riddles of the Sphinx Sisters. Now explore the pyramid and seek out Ammon before he escapes!
New set included color-custom Armor and 3 weapons!
Yesterday we launched our newest mobile game, the infinite runner - Undead Assault! Get it at now and let the undead slaying begin! Then share the game with your friends and give us a 5 star review on the app store if you like it! (Buying the 3X Gold Multiplier also unlocks the Daimyo pet in the mobile game and the Artix's Golden Paladin gear in AQWorlds!)
While YOU take on legions of the undead, Kraken (the lead coder) is wielding his battle-axe to slaughter some of the bug reports we have received.*
If you have been experiencing any bugs while playing Undead Assault, read on to see what will be fixed in the next patch:
Pressing the purchase button causes a delay and the screen doesn't pop up fast enough (on Android devices)
Daimyo running in place when you die or playing in an armor other than the Golden Paladin
Gold respawns leading to Daimyo sliding along behind you
Getting stuck in the special ability animation
Clicking too many times during the starting cutscene causes you to become stuck in place at the beginning of the stage
These patches should be out on Android devices tomorrow if all goes well and on Apple as soon as they put the patch live. **
For everyone on Tab and Note devices, we haven't forgotten you! Kraken is addressing core bugs first, and then he has some ideas for how to optimize the game to improve your performance. That will take time but he DOES have ideas on how to give your game a boost!
*ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Undead Assault had the fewest bug reports upon release - AWESOME job by the alpha testers! (If you would like to help us test our mobile games in the future, keep an eye on the Design Notes to see when we are hunting for more testing help!)
**As with all updates to our mobile games on Apple devices, we cannot control how quickly Apple publishes the updates, but we will let you know as soon as we see they are live!
Our New Infinite Runner Mobile Game Now Available!
We just went LIVE on Android and iOS with our new undead-slaying infinite runner, Undead Assault! You are Artix the Paladin… the town people’s only hope against a horde of skeletal zombie warlords!
Sure, you start this infinite runner wearing your underpants and swinging around a rusty sword… but a dozen brag worthy high scores later you can replace that useless hand of yours with a chainsaw. Undead slayers forever... “So slay we all!”
Play Undead Assault NOW on Apple and iOS devices!
Get Undead Assault on the Google Play App Store and the Apple iOS store for free NOW and be the first to battle an unstoppable and crazy army of the undead!
FEATURES • 5 Paladin weapon & armor sets… each with a “special” attack O_O • “Battle on!” theme song by One-Eyed Doll • Upgradable Power Ups! • Collect rare loot… no idea what it does, but it is collectible. So. Yeah. Collecting! • “Legend of Artix” book… can you find the mysteriously missing pages?
FACTS & LORE! • An inspired re-make of the original viral hit flash game, Undead Assault! • Yup, Daimyo, the Undead Slaying Pomeranian, is actually a real dog. • Truth, justice and righteousness are an excellent source of calcium when served with milk.
AQWorlds players get a special perk for buying the 3X Multiplier
Get the Daimyo Pet in Undead Assault and unlock the Artix's Golden Paladin armor, helm, and axe in AdventureQuest Worlds when you buy the 3X Multiplier. Head into AQWorlds and find the Undead Assault badge in your Book of Lore, then equip your gear and get to Undead-Slaying!
Your Objectives
1. Do not die.
2. Do NOT die.
3. Rescue Villagers
4. Kill them Undeadz (um… can you kill something that’s already dead??)
5. Level up
6. Equip new Loot
7. Kill more baddies
8. Unleash special attacks to dominate the battlefield (like summoning a giant dragon or an undead-slaying Pomeranian, because... WHY NOT?)
9. Collect Gold and Experience
10. Get the high score!
11. Repeat steps 1 thru 11
Recruit More UndeadSlayers
Once you have downloaded the game and slain the undead, your mission is... Help this game go viral faster than a zombie outbreak! Please Like and share Undead Assault on Facebook and Twitter to bring even MORE Undead Slayers to the Party!
You are a rock. Water gushingly falls and splashes upon you from above. The waterfall is massive. Impossibly bigger than any waterfall you can imagine. So much water. From all the way down here, you cannot see where all that water comes from. All you can see are those rocks up there, at the edge of the waterfall. The last rocks the water hits before it falls upon you. The water parts and flows around them before falling. Those rocks, so high above you influences what water hits you. What water shapes you. Not in the ways you would expect. Certainly not in the ways they would expect. An oh yes, each drop of that water exploding upon you has a history. A history as old as our world. That water continues smashing into you and shaping you. The harder that water hits you, the smoother you become. The part of you that are weak break away. The rest of you becomes shiny and strong. Oh, and how you shape that water too. Your influence changes the direction of the water. It journeys endlessly down the stream ahead, shaping other rocks. Not in the way those rocks would expect. Certainly not in the ways you would expect. Those rocks look back at you with the same wonder and curiosity. Then suddenly, it begins to rain.
Ideas flow through time and people like river. Passed from person to person through talking, reading, Movies, TV, games and so many other mediums…. like silly pictures of cats with all caps Helvetica Black captions. The things we create capture the ideas we love, reshaped with our influence. In turn they influence more. As a creative person we are part of an important never ending, and natural cycle. It is not linear nor predictable. Ideas can flow in the most peculiar and unusual ways.
No, seriously, what prompted this?
I just watched a documentary on a children’s TV show from the 1980s called “Captain Power and The Soldiers of the Future.” It was directed by the same guy that did the He-Man movie and later would go on to do Babylon 5. The show had HEAVY influences from Star Wars, Terminator, and other popular movies from that time. Their main villain “Lord Dread” was the spitting image of The Borg from Star Trek. Of course, Lord Dread existed a year before the Borg did. The producer of the show claimed Star Trek stole their design. Also the phrase “Resistance is Futile” was first printed in a Captain Power comic book. Of course, there were tons of phantom of the opera style half-face cyborgs with a glowing red eye in comic book and TV history. Also the phrase “Resistance is useless” was said by a Dalek in the original black and white version of Doctor Who waaaay back in 1963. And prior to that used countless times in dialog for villains. Which got me thinking…. WOW! What we have actually been witnessing our entire lives is “idea evolution.” The ideas flow through us… and good ideas keep coming back to life. Who would have expected Doctor Who, which was made so long ago, to keep evolving and then recently be rebooted into the amazing show it is today?
AdventureQuest was an original game. In 2002 it was extremely cutting edge and ahead of it’s time. A free game, where your characters were saved to the cloud allowing you to access them from any computer on the internet. Monsters, Maps, and items built with Flash animations where parts were streamed, loading and unloading at any time. A single player game that allowed all players from all over the world to work together to win wars and move a storyline forward. A weekly evolving storyline directed by the players on the forums with themes covering almost every major genre. Every element that came into creating this game was inspired by something else. Which was previously inspired by something else. And so forth, forever backwards in time. Not just the technology, but the characters and stories too. Take the character Artix for example. A fusion of the positive traits of Superman, Ash from the Evil Dead, He-Man, and Goku that influenced me when I was younger, fused into Knight armor to perfectly fit in our world. To me, the Artix character is the best and most ideal version of me-- which makes sense, because my life was so heavily influenced by those heroic and silly characters.
Creativity is when you take two or more things you know, and put them together into something new. Like how Reese's Peanut butter cups, one of the biggest candy companies of all time, simply combined Chocolate and Peanut butter to create their original candy. Or a more complex example-- take how the Harry Potter story combined the idea of an orphan going to a new private school and making friends, with the idea of a fantasy world filled with magic. The source material for both of these ideas was huge like a waterfall. The author brilliantly fused them into a new, original, brilliant work.
So what is the difference between“Copying” and “Originality”?
This one is pretty easy. If you take something that someone else made and slap your name on it, that is copying. If all of your source material is coming from one place… it is probably copying too. That includes tracing, mimicking, or deriving (which just means using someone else’s work as a base.)
However, if you take two or more things, and combine them to create something brand new… that is the heart of creativity. The “originality” part comes from how different and special the thing you make is. Reese's Peanut Butter cups are round with a jagged edge. When you look at a Reese's Peanut Butter cup you instantly know what it is. Sort of how you can always tell an AdventureQuest Worlds character because of their shape and that strangely stylistic black-shadowed back arm and leg. Sometimes those little details mean a lot. (Ironically, both of those things were for functional reasons-- not intentional design style.)
I really appreciate artists, writers, game makers, movie makers, and musicians who have a unique and original style. Lindsey Stirling combined violin and dubsteb… who would have dreamed it would be so amazing! The TV show Ninja Warrior (Sasuke) combined the idea of physical fitness competition with Parkour. Every creative person or product is influenced by the sources it is derived from… but a creative person takes these things to make something truly outstanding.
The river of ideas does not stop with you nor I…
It never stops flowing.
Even as you read this, young creative minds are being influenced by things like Doctor Who, AdventureQuest Worlds, and Lindsey Stirling… inspiring them to take the things that touched them and combine it with something else to make something entirely new. Probably eating a Reese's peanut butter cup while they do it. The water just keeps flowing on and on… so when we do something, we should do it BIG and make the biggest influence we can!
Long before humans, Dragons ruled our world. I could write a entire books on the vast breeds, personalities, and legends of the Dragons that roam our skies. But for those less patient, know that dragons play a vital role in our world's history and future. Of the many things a hero should know adventuring in a world full of dragons... the following is the most vital:
A baby dragon. It can be hard for the untrained eye to determine which kind of dragon a Drake will grow into. Depending on the breed, some Drakes will not start growing their arms nor legs until they reach 50 years of age. Warning! Never get in between a Mother Dragon and her baby Drake.
Beast Dragons
Not all dragons are intelligent... take the Beast Dragons for example. They are feral and savage. They cannot speak, nor cast magic spell. But do not underestimate one! Beast dragons have terrifyingly powerful breath weapons. They are greedy, territorial, and endlessly hungry. When you hear a lone dragon has been eating a famer's livestock, or travelers were attacked on a road, be suspect it is a beast dragon.
Elemental Dragons
While all Dragons are bred with one of the elements that makes up our world, we refer to Elemental Dragons with greater respect. They are intelligent and can cast magic spells of their element. Like other intelligent species this means they can be both evil or good. These elemental Dragons can use their powers to control monsters that match their elemental type. Throughout our history we have seen several powerful Elemental Dragons raise armies and attack our towns. They are extremely hard to kill since only certain weapons can even hurt them. Thankfully, these Elemental Dragons are smart and tend avoid conflict unless provoked. Should you encounter one of these dragons... draw and weild your sharp wits before your sword.
Great Dragons
Massive, impossibly powerful, god-like Dragons... they are also bigger than the largest Titans. The last Great Dragon we saw in our word was the Great Fire Dragon, Akriloth. Few survived through the tragic war he started to tell the tale of what actually happened. There has not been a single sighting of a great dragon since. Which means either they are all extinct... or really, really, really, well hidden away somewhere. Sleeping. Dreaming. Waiting.
EXTRA: It should be noted that the egg of Akriloth's grandchild was reported to be discovered, but it never hatched. Museums from many towns are sending treasure hunters to try to secure it for their collection.
Energy Dragon (On Twitter I mistakenly called it a Frost Dragon, but "I saw the light"... well, the lightning breath.)
Today, as I write this to you, Dage is finishing painting the first of Xero's AdventureQuest 3D Dragon Models. Which is good news for all of you DragonSlayers out there... because it means we will see at least one Dragon go live with the BETA.
For several weeks, across our games, the dark council has been tricking you and your fellow players into gathering artifacts from our greatest villains. Why? They used the parts to create a new villain- Vaxen! A warlord powerful enough to conquer entire universes. First… his army is coming for all of ours!
The Shadow DragonGate opens tomorrow! Conclusion to the Multi-game event begins in AQWorlds on October 16th, 2015!
Warlic has tons of new gear making it’s way to his shop this week! Plus, find the winners of the NPC Raffle Contest hanging out in the Warroom of the Guardian Tower now! Also don’t miss the Poutine Golem in the Limited-Time Shop!
October Golden Gift Boxes - Vampire Armor and Mana Bat Guest!
Channel the power of the Vampire and spend HP to boost your attack power
The Mana Bat can siphon off your enemy’s MP and add it to your pool!
Bubble is finally cured of the curse that turned her into a cat all those years ago! What could this mean for Mogloween this year? Will everything be alright, or will it be a cat-astrophe!
Find out what Bubble has been planning for the past few months!
The S.C.E.M. Reaper is returning! This mecha has all new specials that change based on how much, or little, health your foe has!
Pick up the S.C.E.M. at the Star Captain Club!
Mortis is back for you to catch up on the previous events!
13th Anniversary!? Thank you!
Artix writes:
On behalf of the entire Artix Entertainment team, THANK YOU SO MUCH! We are so grateful for the opportunity to create our weekly games and releases for you. Who would have believed that 13 years ago when our very first game, AdventureQuest, started its weekly releases… and that today, 13 years later, the game would STILL BE UPDATED each and every week? Not to mention all of the other amazing games we have created together. And now, as you read this we are working on the next evolution of our games with AdventureQuest 3D -- a multiplayer game that will play on your phones, tablets, PC, MAC and more. We are very excited about the future of this and all of our games. We never forget it is all because of your support, encouragement, and love. We hope you enjoy this special cross-game event. The villain that you have unknowingly been creating is going to be…. *TRANSMISSION SUDDENLY LOST*
Short answer: No. At least, not like AQW and our other web games.
Let me just get this out of the way first... AQ3D WILL have updates. We will be working hard and adding new functionality to AQ3D, like the things I discuss on our Wish List in THIS post. We will be adding new areas, new adventures, new classes and of course new items and weapons, just like all of our games. We just won't be able to add them on the same scale and scope as the AQW releases.
What does that mean? They will be smaller updates and, while we will be posting them regularly, they probably won't be weekly.