Uh oh...
See what mischief and mayhem comes to DragonFable.com's Frostval THIS year, and get more news and previews in the DF Design Notes!
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Uh oh...
See what mischief and mayhem comes to DragonFable.com's Frostval THIS year, and get more news and previews in the DF Design Notes!
As the battles heat up in this week's new game releases, our new rewards will thrill and chill you! Artix Entertainment's holiday releases continue this week with more quests to complete, bosses to slay, and gear to unlock!
Brightoak has succumbed to Nevanna’s poison and now the heart of the World Tree itself is under attack. Race to reach the center of the Grove before she uses the Horn of Protection to summon something even more earth-shaking!
This weekend, travel to the village of Frostvale to investigate a mystery that, if unsolved, will leave you cold as ice!
This week, EpicDuel players will witness the exciting relaunch of the extremely popular Gifting system! We will also be updating the Legendary shops and seasonal shops with some awesome new gear!
AQ3D Kickstarter: NEW Package and Rewards
We are over 80% of the way to reaching our Kickstarter goal... just a short way to go and 20 days to get there! We've added a new $10 USD package that comes with in-game items in AdventureQuest Worlds, AdventureQuest, and DragonFable!
BioBeasts is nearly ready to launch! Find out what you can do RIGHT NOW to help us spread the word and make the official launch an EPIC one!
Do you feel like fondue, Hero? Prepare for one of this year's cheesiest releases from San Robin, coming soon from the DragonFable team! It's got muensters of a whole new brie-d... and puns aplenty!
The AQ3D Kickstarter campaign just broke $150,000 raised! That means we're 75% of the way to our goal, and only need $50K to go until the finish line. Thanks to every backer and everyone who can't be a backer but is helping us spread the word and get this game the funding it needs!
Want to help #AQ3D's #Kickstarter become a staff pick? Email STORIES@KICKSTARTER.COM with your AE stories and why AQ3D is important to you!
Becoming a staff pick would help AQ3D hit the goal before the deadline and become a reality, but they need to hear from YOU!
Other ways to share:
Zach Storch, long-time friend of Artix Entertainment, author of Za'nar (a wicked-cool young adult fantasy novel), Lore's own King of the Nerds, and all-around great guy and gamer is super-hyped about AQ3D and created a video to help spread the word. You can check it out by clicking here or on the image below!
The holidays are here at Artix Entertainment, and now's the time to break out the SLAY bells and wreck the halls for rockin' rewards!
A peaceful afternoon reading holiday stories? Not for the moglins of Frostvale! When Twig opens a cursed storybook, an ancient evil is unleashed, and it’s up to YOU to stop it!
A new tree has been put up in the town of Battleon - but it’s not very festive looking, so let’s fix that! Talk to Robina and hunt down decorations to make the tree look totally awesome! Don't miss the other exciting activities this week:
Guardians of the Cyclone Dragon... ASSEMBLE!
We are over 60% of the way to reaching our Kickstarter goal... just a short way to go and 28 days to get there! Check out the wicked rewards you'll unlock when you back the project on the site, or run around the game and see what we've already built!
We are all over the place right now! The Kickstarter campaign for AdventureQuest 3D is in full swing ($90,000 and still going up!) and we have submitted AQ3D to Steam Greenlight for approval.
We're doing great, but a project like this always needs to seen by more people. So, we had a thought... why not give you guys something just for helping us spread the word?
This is your AQ3D Kickstater Backer Quest: Share our AQ3D Kickstarter announcement post on Facebook and retweet Artix's AQ3D Kickstarter announcement tweet! If the community completes the quest, everyone in AQW, DF and AQ Classic will get a FREE SWORD designed by Dage. The higher the score, the bigger and crazier the weapon gets! See how many we can get before the Kickstarter ends on the first day of the new year!
SHARE THIS: Facebook AQ3D Kickstarter Post.
RE-TWEET THIS: Artix's AQ3D Kickstarter Tweet.
That's all there is too it. The Blade unlocks at 1000 TOTAL shares and re-tweets. (example: 500 shares + 500 re-tweets = 1000 total), and it evolves the more we share these two posts! This is great because you get something for doing almost nothing AND you're helping us spread the word about the AQ3D Kickstarter!
Thanks for helping and thanks for sharing!
Help us finish AdventureQuest 3D! Over the past 11 months, we’ve created a 3D online version of AdventureQuest that you can play on your phone, tablet, and PC. Support this project on Kickstarter to help get this game to the finish line!
As November draws to a close, darkness sets in and a chill fills the air. But the heat of battle will keep you warm this weekend as you take on the challenges in this week's all-new game releases!
General Nevanna's corruption is spreading, and the heart of the World Tree is beginning to rot… This weekend, battle through the ruins of Elfhame - the massive skeleton of ancient beast - to recover the key to restoring the world tree!
November Golden Gift Boxes: Horn of Pwnage and French Vanilla Ice Katana
Even though it's still 90 degrees at the lab, this Friday we will be returning all of our Winter content to EpicDuel.
The 2016 Calendar is now available from Heromart! Each month features hand-drawn character art from your favorite Artix Entertainment games!
The calendar comes with:
Tomorrow is Friday the 13th, Heroes, and you know what that means... WAR! Hope your luck holds and you head into battle, Heores, because this weekend's releases will be ones you'll want to remember... if you survive!
As the 13th 13th draws near...the shadows are growing restless. Work with Voltaire and Deady to gather the fragments of the Cursed Mirror of Enutrof to stop the Mysterious Stranger's 13 Lords of Doom and dispel the shadows that are attacking Lore!
DOOM is here and so are all-new Friday the 13th event items! Defy superstition and unlock awesome souvenir items in our limited time rare gear shop… only available until November 30th!
Shadows are rising in the woods by the Bay as Jaysun’s forces gather to lay siege to Falconreach and Oaklore. Are you ready to fight beside The Rose to break the siege? Or will your animosity help provide Caitiff with more bodies to try and bring further Doom to Lore?
The 2016 Calendar is now available from Heromart! Each month features hand-drawn character art from your favorite Artix Entertainment games!
The calendar comes with:
Don't miss any of this weekend's new game releases, because as the season turns and the nights grow colder, the battles in our games are only going to get even hotter!
Channel the power, strength, and speed of the forest as you race to find Rivensylth the Faerie Dragon in Brightoak Grove! The knowledge she holds may be the key to defeating General Nevanna… IF you can trust what she the trickster dragon says!
Unlock the exclusive Swordhaven Royalty gear and all the rest of our member perks when you purchase a 12 month membership, then head in-game and battle to earn King Alteon's armor!
The Cook at the guardian tower needs you to get some rations!
DragonFable's Mogloween event is still available, too! Last week, an unspeakable evil was unleashed and now it’s up to you and Bubble to put it to rest! Don't miss your reward if you succeed - new helms to match the PumpkinLord armors!
The 2016 Calendar is now available from Heromart! Each month features hand-drawn character art from your favorite Artix Entertainment games!
The calendar comes with:
Wow! What a talented bunch of pumpkin-slaying Heroes we have! Here’s a great big THANK YOU to everyone who participated to this year’s Pumpkin Carving Contest.
Now, let us gaze upon the gourds of our winners!
Congratulations, Proximitykitty725! Your Cauldron Sisters pumpkin has won the grand prize of 2000 AdventureCoins!
Fellow players Flaw, SimonTDK1, and VornT Hellsing have placed second, and have won 1000 AdventureCoins each@
Woohoo! It is our honor to award 8 of our fellow heroes with 700 ACs, each!
Thanks for your pumpkin submissions! Here’s 500 ACs as a consolation prize to all our runner ups.
On behalf of the entire AQW team, we would like to thank everyone who participated in the 2015 Pumpkin Carving Contest. You guys and gals really know how to squash the…uh, well… squash! Whether your entry was chosen this time or not, we are honored that you participated, and look forward to seeing your submissions in our future contests (hmm, maybe Frostval Cookie Decorating Contest in December?).
Battle On, my heroes!
xoxo Beleen :D