We want to make sure all our heroes can continue to log in and battle on along side us, but over the last year, browsers like Chrome haved changed how they handle the Flash Player plug in. To make sure you are able to log in and play Artix Entertainment games, please do the following:
Install (or update) your Flash Player here
Enable the Flash Player plugin inside your browser if the game window doesn't appear.
Instructions by browser type
Each browser has a different method for enabling the Flash Player plugin, but lucky for you, we've got a list of each of the main ones below!
Internet Explorer
Launch Internet Explorer.
Click the gear icon and select Manage add-ons.
Select Toolbars and Extensions.
In the list find Shockwave Flash Object and make sure the Status is set to Enable.
Click Close.
Close and relaunch Internet Explorer.
Launch Edge.
Click the ... icon and select Settings.
Scroll down and click Advanced Settings.
Make sure that Use Adobe Flash Player is set to ON.
Close and relaunch Edge.
Launch Firefox.
Click Tools and select Add-ons.
If you do not use the Menu Bar on Firefox, click the Menu icon (three stacked lines) and select Add-ons.
In the list find Shockwave Flash and make sure it is set to Always Activate.
Close and relaunch Firefox.
Launch Chrome.
In the address bar type chrome://plugins and hit enter.
In the list find Adobe Flash Player and make sure it is enabled and that Always allowed to run is checked.
Close and relaunch Chrome.
Launch Safari.
Click Preferences and select the Security tab.
Next to Internet plug-ins, make sure Allow Plug-ins is checked.
While you're here, make sure Enable JavaScript (next to Web Content) is checked as well.
Close the Preferences window.
Close and relaunch Safari.
More help
You can also refer to Adobe's help articles for more information:
As summer storms rage on, we've got just the thing to keep you dry... but maybe not so safe! Charge into battle this weekend in our all-new adventures!
With the threat of Doom looming over all of Lore you're going to need to have your friends put aside rivalries and be ready to fight by your side together against the Darkness!
War has broken out once again in the West Naval Yard! Join the Legion or Exile forces to claim this critical nautical stronghold for the domination of Delta V!
Battle through an ancient dungeon outside space and time, and uncover the secrets locked inside Sekt the Eternal’s Fourth Dimensional Pyramid this weekend!
Rank up a new rep faction to unlock rewards like the Fourth Dimensional Pyramid House
Fulfill an ancient prophecy... if you dare!
All this and more THIS WEEKEND in the Throne of Darkness!
The 2016 Summer Custom Surfboard Raffle Starts Now!
Starting this weekend, buy an Enchanted Surfboard from the Summer Shop for 500 AdventureCoins and and get our first color-customizable surfboard PLUS get a chance to win a customizable surfboard featuring your AQW Hero... or 1 of 1600 other exclusive boards!
The mastermind behind the portals sending hordes of kaiju enemies onto our land has been revealed as a highly evolved version of Carnax named Carnafex Rex from an alternate Lore! While you help battle the enemy reinforcements with your choice of 5 titan armors, Riona seeks help far away...
Limited-Time Shop - Also check out the Gorthor weapon coming to the Limited-Time Shop!
Z-Token Special! - UNTIL AUGUST 1ST - Get an extra 50% more Z-Tokens when you purchase any Z-Token package!
The remote Overlord Facility will become the next backdrop of the regional war cycle, spurring Legion and Exile forces into direct conflict once again!
Battle with all your might to maintain or to seize control of this embattled military base to claim this exquisite, exclusive, mutating armor!
2016 might be the year of music, with new stars emerging daily thanks to the power of the internet and the Eurovision festival currently going on. So we thought... why not put on an AE music video contest? We've got some amazing video makers in our community, and you might be one of them!
Contest Plot: Create an original music video
You read that right! For this contest, create an original music video that takes place in one of our games (or all of them?!)!
Submit your existing Music Video to us! (Just as long as you have the permission of anyone that helped you make it.)
You can enter videos made BEFORE the contest start date as long as it meets all of the other rules/requirements.
You must include your AQW or AQ3D character name in the form when you submit, NOT the video description
CHALLENGE! Being able to put every AE game ever made into 1 video would be a great challenge for the veterans in our video-making community.
Make sure your entry contains all the required information and follows the rules
Tell us if your music video was created before or after the contest started
Tell us if you're uploading the video on YouTube and include a link OR will use WeTransfer and send it by email
Include the AQW or AQ3D character names of each person on the team
Submit the form! (You can only submit the form once, but CAN edit it afterwards)Singing (aka Submission)
Singing (aka Submission Checklist)
Check off the following before submitting your entry to ensure your music video is eligible to win!
Your video is AE-themed and made by you (or a team)
Your visuals and sound all work
You've included the AQW or AQ3D names of everyone who collaborated
You included a link to your video or that you emailed us your WeTransfer file
Hit the send button and share your video with us!
The prizes for this contest are crAEzier than any we've ever done before! Fame and internet immortality. PLUS character page badges AND Artix Points! /cheer
Grand Prize Winner(s) will receive:
Your music video on Artix.com and in the AQW & AQ3D game design notes
A spot in the coming music video gallery on Artix.com contest page
5000 Artix PointsBadge in AQW/AQ3D
Winner’s Circle & "Above & Beyond" entries will receive
Your music video on Artix.com and in the AQW & AQ3D game design notes
A spot in the coming music video gallery on Artix.com contest page
1000 Artix Points
All qualified entries receive:
Place in AE youtube channel playlist
Contest Rules
It is really important you follow the following guidelines, or your contest entry may be disqualified, or removed from the playlist after winning!
Your entry must:
Be an original creation
Be made by you, or by a team of up to 5 people who all agree to have it submitted
NOT display any of your AQW or AQ3D character information in the video description
Not include art or video clips from any other game, company, or artist -- only AE games/art, please!
Be family-friendly and appropriate for players of all ages (that includes the music!)
You / Your team:
May only create or collaborate on one entry
Must submit your video through the form using YouTube links OR by using the form, then emailing via WeTransfer
Include your AQW or AQ3D character name (and that of everyone else on the team)
Again, please remember: you cannot use anything that would cause copyright issues! Check out this link to see how you can make sure the song/s you choose are alright to use.
Can I use an animated cutscene I made? It can be your own animated cutscene or a video made using in-game clips.
Can I look at other videos for reference? Yes, absolutely. Being inspired by someone is fine, you just cannot copy their work and call it yours.
Why do I have to include my/my team's AQW or AQ3D names in the form? This proves that you/your team created the video, and are not stealing it from anyone.
Congratulations to everyone who entered! Our most daring contest was a smashing success and really shows of the love and maturity of our amazing video game community.
PRIZE UPGRADE - Every valid entry will recieve an AdventureQuest 3D Early Access Code. (Surprise!)
This was a VERY difficult contest to judge... all of the entires were SOO GOOOD! In our eyes, everyone who entered is a winner. Which is exactly why every valid entry is being awarded with an AdventureQuest 3D Early Access Code! That is right... this is a prize upgrade! :D 1st and 2nd place winners will also recieve in-game badges and Artix Points which they can use on the game of their choosing. Art in the Winners circle will also get a badge on their character page.
We posted all of the 1st place, 2nd place, Winners Circle, and Honorable mentions on Facebook. Please do show the artists some love and hit the like button for each entry that you enjoy looking at. They deserve it!
MegaCon is a HUGE convention happening in Orlando, Florida next weekend. Join us for the official AdventureQuest 3D panel!
"AdventureQuest 3D Video Game with Artix"
WHAT: AQ3D Panel at MegaCon (www.MegaConvention.com) in Orlando, Florida WHEN: Saturday, May 28th @ 3pm WHERE: West Building Room W300
Expect our usual level of random hijinx which will include giving away Early Access & STEAM codes, showing embarrassing behind the scenes videos, and talking about forbidden secrets.
I am really surprised at the huge celebrity guest list at MegaCon this year. There will be actors from Doctor Who (Rose), the Walking Dead (Daryl), Game of Thrones (Circe), the New Star Trek (which will also premiere their 1st episode there), and a lot more. Stan Lee, William Shattner, Kevin Smith, and... (if you are one of my Facebook/Twitter friends from the Philippines, please sit down and brace yourself for this next one) Alodia Gosiengfiao. She is my favorite cosplayer of all time! ...and mark my words, I will not leave that convention alive without getting a cheesy thumbs up photo! So if you see her, please politely ask her to make sure she gets a photo with Artix. Or better yet... invite her and her boyfriend Eric to come to our our panel!
This is our first year running a panel at MegaCon and I am really excited. I really hope you can join us, and if you can make it please let me know in the comment section below.
Do ya feel LUCKY, Heroes? I hope so, because tomorrow is Friday the 13th! Hope your luck holds as you head into battle, because this weekend's releases will be ones you'll want to remember... if you survive!
Another Friday the 13th event is on the horizon... and THIS time around, it's In SPAAAAAAAAAAACE! Being so isolated and traveling through an airless void, it's really important that nothing go wrong. But since it's a Friday the 13th event... you know something's going to happen!
The Next Phase of the Server Rewrite BEGINS!
Members can log in to the PTR Testing Server to help us with the new stress test! Data saving has been enabled, and we've got a 15% XP boost on ALL WEEKEND! Get all the details in this Design Notes post!
Friday the 13th Rare Gear
It wouldn't be Friday the 13th without new rare gear to commemorate the event -- and this week, our artists have gone intergalactic with their inspiration! Starting tomorrow night, find the Undead Space Marine, a new unlucky top hat, rare pets, and more in the rares shop!
Defend Battleon from a massive horde of Undead tonight before they assault the town! Such large-scale Necromancy shouldn’t be possible, so what could be behind all of this?!
Open Golden Giftboxen for a chance at the Rare Tamer and Ultra Rare Thrale’s Scorn weapons!
Once again, the forces of Darkness are gathering in the shadows to attack Falconreach. As the danger from the Baron grows more and more reluctant allies have joined the fight against the Dark. Will Falconreach be ready this time? Or will the Baron and his minions learn even more from this fight?
The Darkness attacks Falconreach!
What surprises will be unlocked as you fight the waves?
Caden’s shop has been updated with 25 limited-quantity rares that are designed to give your foes some very bad luck! The new Dark Omen core attached to Charfade’s exquisite Dark Omen weapons decimate your opponents’ support!
Don’t let switching devices or platforms destroy your progress! Play BioBeasts with peace-of-mind knowing that your data will be safe on iOS and Android by connecting via Facebook to our cloud save service.
Travel through time and space as we chase Xeven, the Time-Traveling Assassin through our past, future, and a very different alternate present before we take on the ultimate annihilator: Vorefax the Devourer!
Jump through time and space... and portals!
Battle the Vorefax to save time itself!
Learn one shoxking truth and confirm another!
All this and more THIS WEEKEND in the Throne of Darkness!
The Buy Back Shop is HERE!
All players can log in to their account manager to use the personal Buy Back Shop! Now you can buy back any AC itm you've ever bought, then sold or lost. Get all the details in this Design Notes post!
New May Upgrade Package: Tempus Mori
Get select items with any membership or adventurecoin package of $9.95 USD or more, and unlock ALL the gear with a 12 month membership or a 12,000 adventurecoin package!
Take on Dark Madder’s apprentice Starslayer in the Void for the Star Slayer and Star Saviour armours! Bash open the PinataZard to get several Cinco de Mayo items, also get the Pueblance and Puebla Mace items in the Limited-Time Shop for 2 weeks! Buy a stunning Mother’s Day Bouquet in the Limited-Time Shop for 2 weeks!
“Prizes for winners include AdventureQuest 3D Beta Keys, Badges and Artix Points!”
Our summer themed art contest has prizes including AQ3D Keys, Badges, and Artix Points! At first we thought, “Wow, this is a really dangerous idea for an art contest...” but, LOL, why not? Draw your favorite AdventureQuest characters, items, scenes on an epic summer/beach/vacation adventure.
For this contest, create an original piece of Fan Art showing your favorite AdventureQuest (Any version… AQWorlds, AQ3D, or the original AQ... or if you really want, you can use EpicDuel, MechQuest or other AE games too) character having some fun in the sun. Be sure to sign and date your original drawing and submit it using the rules below.
A few questions for inspiration!
Do moglins surf?
Are any heroes scared of the water?
What is the worst monster to encounter at the beach?
Do the undead enjoy soaking up some rays?
What would your favorite hero be doing at the beach?
Are there any Summer Vacation movies that would be perfect to parody?
You do not have to play the game where the character is from. But it helps to know what kind of character it is. Just make sure you read all the rules and that you send in your entry before the deadline.
PRIZES! (The future looks bright) The prizes for this contest are from a pool that includes multiple games! You can win badges from AQWorlds, Artix Points to spend in any game, and access and cool stuff in AQ3D!!
The Grand Prize Winner will receive:
5000 Artix Points
AdventureQuest 3D Beta key! Use for yourself, or if you already have one, give to a friend.
Character Page Badge in both AQW and AQ3D.
2nd Place Winner will receive:
2500 Artix Points
AdventureQuest 3D Beta key! Use for yourself, or if you already have one, give to a friend.
Character Page Badge in both AQWorlds and AQ3D.
Winner’s Circle & “Above & Beyond” entries will receive:
AdventureQuest 3D Beta key! Use for yourself, or if you already have one, give to a friend.
Character Page Badge in both AQWorlds and AQ3D.
Custom made AQW twitter avatar.
DEADLINE! Submit your original Artwork by May 24th! BEGINS: Friday May 6th, 2016 ENDS: Sunday May 29th, 2016
Tanning Rules (apply sunscreen!) This is the most important part of the whole contest. Read all the rules below BEFORE sending your art submission. Because if you don’t follow the rules, then you’ll be disqualified, and that is oh-so totally lame.
Follow each rule if you want your entry to be considered eligible
Create an original piece of AdventureQuest fan art.
You can Draw, Paint, Flash, etc.
You can use any character you like from the games
Be as creative as you want. We love and encourage creativity!
You must create your fan art entry 100% by yourself.
No stealing other people's art (obviously)
No tracing
It is ok to look at other things for reference, just make sure you are drawing/making your piece of art yourself.
1 entry per person
Add your AQWorlds Character Name and the date to your art!
This way we know this is yours so nobody can steal your hard work. Be sure it is clear so we can read it.
Type your AQW Character name in your Tweet BEFORE submitting, That way, if you win, I can easily copy your character Name for faster prize awarding and no mistakes.
Entry must be “Work Safe” and appropriate for all players of Artix Entertainment Games. If you are worried your art might be crossing the line, just DM us and ask us if it is OK.
Ready to submit? Final Checklist!
Check off each thing below before submitting your entry to ensure your chance at winning!
AE themed Fan Art created by you
AQWorlds Character Name *neatly* written on your picture
The date on your entry
Type your Character name in your tweet to @Contests_AE
Upload your Fan Art picture to the same Tweet to @Contests_AE
Hit the Tweet button and submit your entry!
No Twitter? If you do not have Twitter or an AQWorlds account then e-mail your entry to screenshots@battleon.com titled “Contest entry” and feature your Master Account name instead of your AQWorlds account name.
Good luck and have fun! This is a excellent opportunity for artists to work on their anatomy and armor skills at the same time.
Portals have opened up all over Battleon, and mysterious beasts are pouring out! Kairos, the High Chronolord, has arrived from the future to aid you in driving these scavengers from the timestream BACK to where they came from. It's time to get your Battle On!
Take out the Timestream Scavengers
Unlock predictions... and consequences as the war meter rises
Farm for resources to unlock rare and permanent exclusive gear in the War Rewards shop!
The Buy Back Shop is HERE!
Members can log in to their account manager TONIGHT to help us test the Buy Back Shop... then EVERYONE can access it tomorrow! Get all the details in this Design Notes post!
The Class is themed after Nulgath's apprentice, Revontheus, and its skills look amazing!
Find the Abyssal Angel Class in your Game Menu:
The Class and accessories will be available for one month only!
The Class is themed after Nulgath's apprentice, Revontheus, and its skills look amazing!
This week the dedication ceremony begins for the newly-built Temple of Hope. Clearly the Chosen cannot be in three places at once - the Brilhado Civil War, Chasing after news of ENTROPY directly, or dealing with Bree'ha are all important. So a vote needs to be taken among the people.
Cast a vote by battling a war wave in the appropriate camp.
At the end of a week the results will be tallied
Your battle-votes will decide where next week's story will focus... and where the Chessmaster Saga goes!
Also don’t miss the Purple Rain Spell coming to Warlic’s Magic Shop!
May Z-Token Packages - Creation Burst and Arctic Tornado Spells!
We are releasing 2 new 12k Z-Token packages - each comes with a powerful spell!
Also the Horn of Tera'Suul returns to the 20000 Z-Token package!
Legion/Exile and Lionhart seasonal rare gear return for a limited time! Visit Transcendence, Immanence, Admin 10, or the Exile Leader to claim this incredible weaponry.
This week, BioBeasts will be releasing the beta version of its cloud save feature. This will allow saving across platforms, so you can start on an Android device, and continue on an Apple device and vice versa!