If you haven’t… now is the best time to do so! Because the easy-to-pick-up and hard-to-put-down DRAGONS game was just updated with global leaderboards and the exclusive Cookie Clicker dragon, “Krumblor.”
How to update Flash Player and keep it up to date!
Since the beginning of February, Adobe Flash Player upgraded to level 16. And this has caused some problems for some online games that use the Flash Player plugin—like, for example, all Artix Entertainment games!
From our end, we think we have solved most of the issues, so now it’s our turn to help YOU get rid of some your Flash bugs if you have them!
What is the Adobe Flash Player?
The Flash Player is a plug-in that is required to play all of our games, and is automatically ‘plugged in’ to your browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.). Adobe Flash Player makes our games run, displays the flashy animations, makes your shiny Blade of Awe glow bright, and plays all the epic cutscenes!
Which version of Flash Player do I have?
First of all, you might need to know which version of Flash Player you have on your browser. To find that out, follow these easy steps:
In the menu that then opens, you need to READ the last line, which says something like “information about Flash Player…”
IF it DOES NOT say “Information about Flash Player…” and gives another number, then you need to upgrade your Flash Player to the latest version.
How to upgrade Flash Player to the latest Version?
If you do not have the latest version of Flash Player, you‘re in trouble…. O__O ….. because older versions of the Flash Player will cause your game will lag, disconnect, have sluggish animations, etc. So it is ALWAYS better to upgrade. Here is how to upgrade your Flash Player if you do not have the latest version:
Click “Install now” to download the newest version and install it.
Follow the instructions given by the program.
Restart your browser and it should be working fine now!
This method should work for any browser you use. Some browsers, like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, automatically update Flash Player when a new version is out. Other browsers do not and then you will have to update Flash manually.
I want Flash to automatically update!
When you update your Flash Player, there is an option in the installation process where you can check the box to make Flash Player update automatically, like in the picture.
However, you may not know if you enabled that for your computer. Or that you are sure your computer has not enabled automatically updating Flash Player. In that case you can still enable it in this way:
Click “General Settings” in the dropdown that opens.
Go to the tab “Advanced Options” in the Settings Manager that opens.
Click on the button “Change Update Settings”, this might require administrator rights.
Check the bullet/box of “Allow Adobe to install updates”
Additionally you can click “Check now” to see if there are any updates for Flash Player.
Close the window and you should be fine.
I am using Google Chrome and it does not work like that!
Oh yes, Google Chrome acts a bit weird in that case. Chrome usually updates Flash automatically, unless something (or someone!) disabled it. Here’s how it works for Google Chrome:
Click “General Settings” in the dropdown that opens.
The browser will bolt you to a help page of Adobe in a new tab.
Scroll down till you see a link called “Panel General Notification Options” and click it.
Set “Check on updates” in the screen that follows on 14 or 7 days, and check the box “Warn me about new updates”
Close the tab and it should be set now.
What if it still does not work right?
Curse technology!! It could be that your computer just refuses to update the Flash Player, or that it keeps messing up because of conflicting versions.
In that case, it is better to entirely remove Flash Player and re-install it. To remove Flash Player, it’s best to do that via your computer’s configuration panel. (Note: this might differ per Operating System)
So go to “Start”
Open the configuration panel.
Go to “Programs and Software”
Search for “Adobe Flash Player” (there might show multiple of them)
Right click them, and select “uninstall/delete”
If you had more “Adobe Flash Players” showing in the list, uninstall these too.
Click “Install now” to download the newest version and install it.
Follow the instructions given by the program.
Restart your browser and it should be working fine now!
Still having troubles after? Then you might want to check if your Firewall or Security programs are not blocking it. Programs like AVG could still be blocking it. Quick options to change that would be:
Open the AVG panel
Go to Firewall
Go to Options
Go to the tab Applications
Make sure “Adobe Flash Player” is on the list of allowed applications.
If it’s not, add it manually.
This is all we can teach you about Flash Player—a tricky but very good plugin that all our games run and live on. If you have additional questions, feel free to comment below and we will try our best to help you out! Please only write our Player Support team if there is a serious and/or complicated problem.
Thank you, Gjappy!!
When you see Gjappy in game, be sure to give him lots of /cheers for helping US help YOU! We could not have done this without his help, and we cannot thank him enough. So if you want to share your love, be sure to thank him on Gjappy’s Facebook and on Gjappy’s Twitter!
Adobe released a super-important update to Flash Player updated last week. Make sure you update yours to thelatest version from the official Adobe website.
We've had reports of older versions of Flash player triggering errors in certain browsers depending on the browser, Flash Player version, antivirus program (like AVG), and browser plugin.
If you see blackscreens or warning messages when you go to log in at the aq.com/play-now page, update your Flash Player version!
Help Us Check Our Site
We want to make sure all our pages are working properly. We need help checking our log in screen and upgrade pages across all browsers and FP version combinations.
If you see a black screen or get a warning message, please post your browser and Flash Player version in the comments section below (and screenshots if you have them)
To help check our upgrade page, follow these steps:
If you see any errors or get a warning message, please post your browser and Flash Player version in the comments section below (and screenshots if you have them)
Note: you do NOT need to make a purchase for this test. We just need to know if the window appears and will let you enter text. If you
EpicDuel’s Heartbreaker Saga Launching this Friday the 13th
Journey into the great Hereafter and meet a fascinating cast of new characters including the Necronauts, explorers of the last great frontier: DEATH. Journey beyond time and space to confront the dangers and challenges of the Afterlife while you uncover a trove of new seasonal items created by our talented Guest Artists—historic EpicDuel players . Be warned those blindly driven by greed and adventure: This tale woven by Cinderella, Ranloth, and OWA is not for the faint of heart!
Do you have what it takes to become the most epic dueler in all of EpicDuel?
This Friday, journey to the town of Northpointe, your hometown on the continent of Drakonus. Gear up, listen to the townspeople’s rumors, and defend this safe haven from creatures driven to frenzy by the Queen of All Monsters minions! As her influence begins to spread, there is only one question you must answer: is anywhere safe? Also releasing this weekend: Quibble Coinbiter’s Firestorm Rares shop in Battleon and your game menu!
Journey to Northpointe, the starting town for the Ancient Evils storyline on the new continent!
Find all Quibble’s hottest gear in your game menu and Battleon!
The power of Shapeshifters grows exponentially! Learn incredibly powerful new forms like Lightbringer, Wyvern, Sacragon and more!
Item Update!
A new round of gear has arrived in a Battleon shop near you! Also don’t miss the Deadly Icicle Spell in the Limited-Time Shop!
February Z-Token Package - Flareos Pet!
A new bonus item that comes with the 12K token package!
This heavenly archer carries two types of arrows, one will awaken fiery passion for you in your foe that renders them unable to harm you, and the other just unleashes fiery death!
If you've been with us for a while, thanks for playing! You'll see that we've been changing a number of features and functionality inside AQWorlds. If you're new, hi! Welcome to AQWorlds! You've come at a really key point in our game's lifespan.
AQWorlds is over six years old now; we've grown so much since 2008, and over the years, we've defeated scores of villains. But one of the most dangerous enemies of online games is staring us straight in the face, and we are doing all we can to fight it - stasis. We need to move forward, evolve, and change with the times. To keep AQWorlds alive, we need to GROW and IMPROVE and CHANGE.
Because AQWorlds updates on a weekly cycle, the development for improving and updating the game take place alongside weekly releases. That also lets us have YOU guys test the changes as they are being built (once we reach a stage where you can push buttons and have something happen).
Several of these projects (like the new world map and the quest UI) are in live-testing. We do this to see how the new functionality will hold up under load. So, below is where those projects and others stand, and where we're headed next:
New World Map
The new world map is designed to both help you navigate the world and give a better idea of story progression. We call these "adventure maps." They aren't 100% geographically accurate; instead, they show you where you're headed next in the story.
Changes left to make:
Reducing lag
Adding in more adventure maps (for Doomwood, seasonal events, side stories)
Adding direct links to the bank and other popular locations
New Quest/NPC Interface
The quest/NPC interface redesign is taking place for a number of reasons: 1) the current appearance is outdated. We've got to keep AQW looking fresh and appealing. 2) many new players have difficulty using/understanding it 3) by re-doing the UI, we can improve the functionality.
Changes left to make:
Appearance updates based on player feedback
Adding in the "turn in quest from anywhere" functionality (the quest box in the upper-right side of the screen will call the last NPC pop-up you accepted a quest from)
Bug fixes to current version
New Tutorial
The new tutorial is a VITAL project! When a new player first joins AQWorlds, we want to excite them, engage them, and TEACH them how to play the game. Based on your feedback, this version of the tutorial meets those three goals the best. You've also sent in additional ideas on how to improve the tutorial (thanks!).
Changes left to make:
Add in player suggestions
Load tutorial videos directly into the game
Add in helper cutscenes on Nythera and Sora
Add in email confirmation reward
Server Rewrite Progress Update
Almost exactly a year ago, I posted a Design Notes about the server rewrite project. We have a good deal of control over the game, but currently we are using server software whose base we did not build ourselves (though we created all of our server-based game functionality)... and that means there are some things we cannot change. But we CAN rewrite the server!
Due to a number of additional top priority projects (like the Facebook integration, the quest interface, and others) and delays (the end of the Chaos Saga, the holidays, etc), work on the server rewrite has been delayed.
BUT! As of January 1st, the server rewrite project is officially BACK in action! Yorumi has already made a lot of progress. He started researching again this past December, and met with Zhoom in early January.
So that we ALl have a clear idea of where the server rewrite progress is at, we'll use server rewrite version numbering (SRV) and phases.
Phase 1: Porting the existing game over to proprietary server software (that we built ourselves. This is what Oversoul currently runs on).
Phase 2: Updating core game functionality on AQW 2.0.
Phase 2 is where we're planning to make the changes you guys want - the buyback shop, better PVP and guilds functionality, bank item previews, friends list syncing, cross-server chat, better anti-bot and reporting functionality and more.
SRV 0 - research begins
SRV .01 - server architecture meeting with Zhoom
SRV .02 - staff-only test of new combat system
SRV .6 - full working Alpha stage
SRV .8 - player live-test on PTR
SRV 1.0 - full launch of Server Rewrite, Phase 1
Right now, we are about a month away from the staff-only test of the new combat system. With the current calculations, we expect SRV .8 (the player live-test PTR) to begin in September.
Keep an eye on the Design Notes for future progress updates!
This Friday, battle to save Oaklore Keep from Sepulchure’s Undead Army in our new tutorial, then send us your feedback to help improve AQW for new heroes! Legends can battle the Endless Maw boss for an exclusive pet while ALL players can unlock achievement badges and battle the dreaded Red Dragon!
Ultra Jir’abin waits for you in OUR Void realm: take him on in a head-to-head battle to claim dominion, then reap the rewards if you’re victorious! Starting this Friday, the Void Defender set will be available for a limited time only!
Help improve the opening of AQWorlds by playing through our new tutorial, then giving us your feedback
Experienced heroes can take on Jir’abin in a challenge fight in OUR Void!
Find the Void Defender limited time shop in your game menu or talk to Shira in /voidbattle
This Wednesday, the AQ3D servers will come back online with our first combat test. It will be available on the web for Members/Legends of AdventureQuest Worlds. The server side code has been completely written from the ground up. This combat system is able to do a lot more than the previous incarnation of AQ3D, BUT... this will be an ultra simple test featuring only basic attack. If you saw my Facebook video post, then you are probably excited to know that Mr. Trolluk is making a return! The new version of town is not ready yet, but we hope you will forgive the art and help us test the basic combat. We will be closely watching network, graphics, and server performance during this test. This is very much the foundation of the game. We hope you will be a part of it.
Za'Nar: Impossibility - Written by a fascinating player of our games
I put together this promo image just a bit ago because, a lot of players did not know that the Za'Nar event happening in AQWorlds this week was based on a book written by one of our most fascinating players. Zack Storch started playing our games over 10 years ago... and he played all of them. I mean, REALLY played them. His characters in all games are ridiculously high level and loaded with special event items. (I was pretty surprised when I looked) He was a prominent contestant on the TV show King of the Nerds last season (and you may have seen him again on the 1st episode of the new season.) It was probably never mentioned anywhere else, but he was directly responsible for the events that lead us to getting our card game and action figures in Toys"R"Us! He really did some great things for all of us here in our gaming community.... which is why I am honored and grateful to be returning his kindness and loyalty by telling you about book, Za'nar. He is following his dream to become fantasy book author. One day I fully expect to walk into the bookstore, see his row of books on a shelf and have a BIG smile knowing that we were a part of it. I hope you will help by getting a copy of his book. It is 444 pages of unleashed creativity, reasonably priced, and available in digital format on Amazon Kindle, Nook, Kobo and iTunes... and if you want a physical copy to hold in your hands you can get one of the limited run we did at www.HeroMart.com -- the physical version includes codes that unlock in-game items.
I placed my order for the book. It has been a really long time since I chilled on the couch losing myself in a fantasy novel.
Zack Storch, faithful Artix Entertainment gamer & TV star on King of the Nerds, returns to AQWorlds this week in a special in-game event based on his new book, Za’nar: Impossibility! This Friday, battle through the Tombs of De’ther with the Magi of Za’nar to recover the Ring of Light! The dread dragon Jir'abin seeks vengeance against the Magi of Za’nar, retribution for stealing his power millennia ago. After attacking Lore last week, his power is greater than ever before - and he’s on the move to Za’nar to wreak his revenge! Defeat him and use the Ring of Light to raise a shield around Lore to ensure our world and theirs will remain safe from the Void... forever!
Get your event rares and learn about the world of Za’Nar before the event starts in the Za’Nar Lobby!
Travel with the Za’narian Magi to De’ther and Xiex to find the Ring of Light and ensure Lore’s safety FOREVER!
Help Nulgath the ArchFiend celebrate his birthday with the golden and Shadow Hanzo Void armor sets!
Collect Za’Narian Tokens to create gear in the Za’Nar Merge Shop