Archived Design Notes

How Will AQ3D Updates Work?

Posted by Cysero on

Will AQ3D Have Updates Like AQW?

Short answer: No. At least, not like AQW and our other web games. 

Let me just get this out of the way first... AQ3D WILL have updates. We will be working hard and adding new functionality to AQ3D, like the things I discuss on our Wish List in THIS post. We will be adding new areas, new adventures, new classes and of course new items and weapons, just like all of our games. We just won't be able to add them on the same scale and scope as the AQW releases. 

What does that mean? They will be smaller updates and, while we will be posting them regularly, they probably won't be weekly.

Head to to read the full post and get all the details on:

  • Why AQ3D updates will be smaller and less often than AQW
  • What makes AQ3D different from our 2D games and
  • Why developing for a mobile game is different/harder than for a web game