It’s Friday, and EVERYONE knows what that means: all new releases in Artix Entertainment’s games! Don’t let your summer be a bummer—come play games online with us, help us defeat the toughest monsters, and score the most epic loot ever!
AdventureQuest Worlds
The moment you have all been DYING for is finally here! Known for his seemingly-impossible-to-survive tricks, traps, and cheats, Grimskull challenges YOU to traverse his torture chambers, outwit his wiles, and claim the legendary prize at the end…if you can survive! Suit up in the Hero of Steel Armor Set, get your kicks with Player Suggestion Items, uncover the whereabouts of the completely color custom Solar Protector set, and then dive headfirst (or dead-first?) into Grimskull’s dangerous trap-filled dungeons!
Summer has started, along with a two-sided war in Sulen'Eska and the Freedom Camp. Also, be sure to log in this weekend for your thrid DragonFable birthday gift!
Voting for the second OverSoul contest ends Saturday, June 22, 2013. Be sure to vote for your favorite entries! Next week, prepare for the Watercard Deck Series and water element characters. Also, look forward to the production of the contest winners for Art and Backstory!
Legion and Exile forces, man your battle stations: The Dread War has begun! Battle for control of over 21 War Objectives throughout Delta V! This is too big for any one solder -- you'll need to rally your friends behind a common cause to dominate the world and shape it's future!
Begin your prowl with this week’s Forest Tiger, Snow Tiger, and Sabertoothed Tiger Head Morphs! Who says a tiger can’t change his stripes? With the Color Custom versions, you absolutely can. Head to the Head Shop on Market Street and get your head in the game!
AdventureQuest Classic
This is the release you have all been looking forward to… the single largest Class project in the history of AQ… the Knight Class begins this week! Tathlin, leader of the Pria Knights of Rennd, will guide you through your basic training before you will have to choose which of the 4 Kingdoms you will serve. New class gear and an awesome series of trials will test your mettle and see if you have what it takes to call yourself Knight!
The Countdown Clock is ticking! The March of the Shadowscythe looms near. Are you prepared? Shop in Soluna City for the returning Valoth's Epic head weapons and check back for the newest arm, and then blast off to Westion's Khaeldron Inn Valor Shop for high-level versions of the Corrupted Drakel Armor series!
Battle on!
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