Do you have questions? Do you know what is coming? The last five years were leading up to one moment... one that will change our world forever. This summer, in AdventureQuest Worlds, prepare to battle the mysterious and still unknown 13th Lord of Chaos and ultimately face the impossibly powerful, god-like Champion of Chaos, DRAKATH in one-on-one combat! We are going to break all of the rules. Areas of the game will be permanently destroyed. We cannot promise that all of your favorite NPCs will survive... but we can promise that you will learn why Gravelyn & Artix said you were so special in the DoomWood saga. (If you have not played those quests yet, you REALLY should!)
I will be in-game in AdventureQuest Worlds, talking about what is to come. Post your questions here as comments, or post to me on my official @ArtixKrieger Twitter account. I will be answering your questions and spilling secrets the best I can ("no spoilers") Like all of our BEST events... we wrote a few critical "fixed points in time" but you still have the power to shape what happens with your ideas and creativity. If you missed DragonFable's Great Fire War vs Xan, if you were not one of the players casting the spell that teleported the entire town of BattleOn... YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS! This summer will be one of the most memorable moments in the history of all of our games. Ask away!
The Dark Queen has evolved, but her goal remains the same: to protect the Nation from all who would harm it… and that includes you! Journey deep into the heart of Ravenloss to face the Queen’s Champion; survive the deadliest warrior in Ravenloss or there will be nothing left of Lore but a ChaosWeaver killing ground… and your friends will be left as prey!
Battle through Lore with the Arachnomancer Class
Invade the heart of the Dark Queen’s realm in the Ravenloss War
Exclusive Battle Gems pet for AdventureQuest Worlds; this pet will be Non-Legend and flagged at 0 ACs (free storage forever, yay!)
This winner will get to choose 1 of the 4 Battle Gems pets (pic below!)
This lucky winner will be the ONLY hero in all of AQWorlds to have this exclusive Battle Gems pet
1,000 AdventureCoins for the Grand Prize winner
But wait—there’s more! The Grand Prize winner will also get 2nd and 3rd place Battle Gems pets!!
2nd Place Winner(s) will receive:
A Battle Gems pet for AQWorlds; this Non-Legend pet will be set to 0 ACs (so you can keep him forever)
750 AdventureCoins will be awarded
2nd place will also get the 3rd place Battle Gems pet
3rd Place Winner(s) will get:
A Battle Gems pet for AQWorlds; a Non-Legend pet set to 0 ACs
500 AdventureCoins for your hard work
Runner Ups will get:
200 AdventureCoins
If your Fan Art is featured in the winning selections (Grand Prize, 2nd place, 3rd place, or Runner Ups ONLY), then you will also receive a character page badge in addition to your allotted prize(s).
Additional prizes may be awarded for those who go above and beyond!!! (Yes, three exclamation marks are totally necessary.)
Cooldown Timer: Contest Timeframe
The Battle Gems Fan Art Contest:
Begins Monday, March 24, 2014
Ends Sunday, April 6, 2014, at 11:59pm EST (server time)
All entries must be submitted to @AQWcontest Twitter pagebefore 11:59pm EST/server time on 4/06/14
Contest Rules (follow these EXACTLY, or your entry will be disqualified!)
This is the most important part of the whole contest. Read all the rules below BEFORE entering your Battle Gems Fan Art submission. Because if you don’t follow the rules, then you’ll be disqualified, and that is oh-so totally lame.
Follow EACH rule if you want your entry to be considered eligible.
Create Battle Gems-themed Fan Art! You can Draw, Paint, Flash, Photoshop, 3D Print, Sculpt, Bake/Decorate, Comic-strip, Cosplay, or create a Stuffed Animal/Plushie of anything relating to Battle Gems. Get creative here, folks!
Your Battle Gems Fan Art MUST BE created by YOU. And only YOU. No tracing, no stealing another person's work, and no teaming up with friends, sorry. You CAN use Battle Gems game art, but get creative with it. Don't just copy-paste art and submit.
Your Fan Art entry MUST include your AQW Character Name somewhere on the picture. No name = no chance at winning, and the possibility of someone else stealing your hard work. Please write/sign your AQW Character Name legibly so I can actually read it =)
Also, put the date your entry so no one tries to steal your Fan Art during future contests (because you know some sneaky scoundrel will try)!
Type your AQWorlds Character Name in your Tweet BEFORE submitting. That way, if you win, I can easily copy your Character Name for faster prize awarding and no mistakes.
After following ALL THE RULES above, submit your awesome Battle Gems Fan Art entry to
Handy Dandy Checklist
Check off each thing below before submitting your entry to ensure your chance at winning!
Battle Gems Fan Art created by you
AQW Character Name *neatly* written on your picture
The date on your entry
Type your AQW Character name in your Tweet to @AQWcontest
Upload your Battle Gems Fan Art picture to your Tweet to @AQWcontest
Everyone here at Artix Entertainment is super excited to see what Battle Gems Fan Art you come up with! Best of luck to you, and don’t forget to Battle ON!
If you somehow managed to miss the explosion of announcements, photos and screenshots... Battle Gems, our first major mobile game, went live on the Apple App Store last week. It is being featured by apple as Best New Game on the app store in position #12. While the coders have been hard at work on getting the first update ready (Which will fix Dracustein Frankula, iPod Touch 4th Gen, and the rare character wipe issues) the Gems headed to the MegaCon 2014 convention to spread the word and cause a some trouble.You can see all of the MegaCon 2014 photos on the Battle Gem's Facebook page. (Please like and share if you can!)
So many awesome players found us! I guess the giant Gems costumes running around were pretty easy to spot. What was really surprising was how many people already knew who the gems were and were excited to take their photo with them. Finding out that we made the game in the Tampa-Bay area surprised a lot of people too-- the cosplayers who go to conventions in Tampa & Orlando, Florida are surprisingly well connected. I would guess there is no more than three degrees of seperation between everyone you see in the photo gallery. The more friends we made... the more we find they already know our other friends! MegaCon has gotten really big... it officially past DragonCon in attendance this year. Next year, I would love to hold an official Artix Entertainment panel there.
STORY TIME: Late on Saturday night, via Twitter, I asked players who their favorite Super Hero was. Then I spent Sunday running around the convention looking for people dressed as the Super Hero's the players tweeted and got them to send a video response back saying that they were their favorite player. So, a few people said "DEAD POOL!" Which, thankfully there were a lot of Deadpools. I took a video with my phone of Dead Pool saying, "<player's name> is my favorite player!" It was a lot harder to do than I thought-- but for the few people I was able to responses for, it REALLY surprised them and made their day.
REMINDER! The Battle Gems Art Contest is happening now! Even if Battle Gems is not out for your device yet you can still get in on it... you can draw the Battle Gems or the characters posted on Battle Gem's Facebook page with any character in the universe. Also.. you can draw really depressing pictures of a sad Android device waiting.
ChaosWeavers - deadly, spider-like beasts from below the surface - are flooding into the towns and cities of Lore with only one goal: to prepare the world for the arrival of their Queen! Pierce the web of deceit being spun around you before everyone you know falls to the warriors of Ravenloss!
Take on the ChaosWeaver Nation and the legion of minions they command!
Quibble Coinbiter and his rare gear are in Battleon with the Ascended SoulWeaver sets and more!
Double Rep Points server boost all weekend long! Rank up the new Ravenloss reputation!
Apparently some sort of IP address issue prevents me from posting on the forums. But I'd like to congratulate That One Guy and DidYouKNowThat for winning the 4th Oversoul contest!
I'm Releasing That One Guy's Human Fisher this week and DidYouKNowThat's Soul Wyvern next week.
You players all have a lot of talent, makes it hard to choose who will get to enter each into the voting polls. Each artist and writer suggestion I create in turn helps me learn new things about my own art. It makes me draw details and ideas I normally wouldn't. Thank you for helping me improve!
Character Release:
Human Fisher
Genesis Warrior ( The very first warrior ever created for AQW. He was used to test everything. )
We need your insight on our website! You guys and gals always have the BEST ideas, so that’s why we are turning to YOU to help redesign the AdventureQuest Worlds website! Please, accept our Quest and fill out 10 Questions, which will help us create an AWESOME website that you will want to call home…page =D
Our 1st major mobile game, BATTLE GEMS, has just gone live on the Apple App store! Get it now for your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. Be sure to help us by giving it lots of love and a 5 star rating. We are currently working on the Android port which is coming next!
Cysero's favorite color to wear is green. Must like his character, he often wears green in real life. But seeing the rest of the AE team show up at the lab wearing green is a treat that happens once a year! Another once a year event is our seasonal St Patty's Day events happening in many our games. So even if you forgot to wear green in real life today (or like me, only own 999999 pairs of black sweatpants with white stripes down the side.) you can gear up in game with some green armor and get in the spirit of Saint Patty's Day. For example, AdventureQuest World's Lucky Fair will be available all week... and this year it features a preview of our (OH DEAR GOSH PLEASE LET THE BATTLEGEMS APP GET RELEASED TODAY OR TOMORROW!) upcoming mobile game, BattleGems! Happy St. Patty's Day everyone! Hmmm, next year we should make Green Health Potions.
QUESTION: Are you wearing green today in real life?
There’s no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow THIS year, just a treasure chest full of the shiniest gems a Hero could hope for! Visit the Lucky Day fair to play Lore’s favorite mini-games, unlock the brightest gear in-game, and show the world it’s your LUK-y day!
Play our Battle Gems Mini puzzle-game when you /join Luck
Unlock Dage's Evolved Dark Caster Class with 2000 AdventureCoins OR 2000 Legion Tokens
Double Class Points server boost all weekend long!
New War 2.0 system introduced (for real this time!). The fate of the Dread Plains will come down to a climactic showdown between Legion and Exile forces.
Participate by collecting PvP war drops and using them at War Objectives.
New War Commander core maximizes PvP drops for faster war progress.
The winning alignment will claim awesome prizes and control the region.
After the war is won, another region will go live after a cooldown period.
Show Off
3 new leaderboards: Exile influence leaders, Legion influence leaders, daily player influence leaders.
In-game interactive leaderboards prominently feature best players.
New tiers of regional war achievements.
New War Hero achievement.
New achievement for achieving the highest rank in ALL regions.
Uncle Sham's up to no good! He's been taxing the Lolosians both in gold and patience, and they've had enough!
Can you save both the Lolosians' pockets from Sham's grubby hands and save Leprechaunia from a pirate invasion?
Also check out the Stick of Unlies coming to the Limited-Time Shop! It boosts the power of your Earth spells and can drain mana from your enemies with it’s special attack!
New Knight Helm Misc items are coming to the Knight Class Shop!
Spring Break Special
Spring Break special Gold/Xp boost is coming this week!
From the 12th to the 16th of March gain an extra 10% Gold/Xp when battling monsters in Aq!