AdventureQuest Worlds
Return to the Mirror Realm: The Fell Beast
- Mirror Drakath has a VERY important quest for you - a deadly creature has stolen the Egg he believes contains the 13th Beast of Order. If you do not get that back, we don't know WHAT will happen to the Mirror Realm... or our own!
Defeat the Cockatrice to rescue a VERY important artifact!
Find the Dragon Emperor Tier set in Battleon!
- The 2nd Hyper Crystal in the X-Treme Hero Merge Shop is live!
Epic Duel
- Fortune City War hits midway point. Exiles pulling ahead. Legion need to rally to win.
- We're previewing the next war zone after Fortune City is decided: Frysteland.
- The Exiles will have a chance to reclaim it from the Legion.
Arcade Update
- New Arcade Game featuring new weapons from our newest guest artists:
- Hatred Cuirass
- Assassin Order
- Bidoof
- Juniu
- Vultex
- Rabblefroth is completing a tool that will allow testers to easily alter skills and stats to thoroughly test balance adjustments with minimal dev assistance. This means more thorough and useful balance updates.
Lionhart Preview
- Revontheus is offering another preview of his upcoming Lionhart event.
Fighting Spirit! (Annouced last week, but had a dealy... now live!)
- Character Release: Robin Rev, Muay Thai Icarius, Muay Thai Azrael
Mah Howse - Neko City part I
- At long last, the time has arrived for the Nekos to find their new home!
- Your donations helped bring this day to fruition, and now, quest along with the ElBhe and the Nekos to find them a place to live.
- This leads into the release of the Neko city coming soon!
May Golden Giftboxes - Juvenile Void Dragon Pet & Reflective Armor
- A powerful pet that deals Void damage!
- This armor can harness the rays of the sun to Blind your enemy!
May Guardian Bonus - Hydro Guardian Dragon Armor
- This awesome armor comes free if you Guardianize your account any time during the month of May!
- Existing Guardians can find the armor in the Guardian Tower at a super discounted price!
- Grab this armor while you can because it will only be available until the end of May and then gone forever!
The Void Ship is ready to set sail! Will you survive the voyage into the unknown?
Randor the Red Birthday Part II!
- More items for Randor the Red Birthday Shop - MARShals inspired!
Bugs are fixed and a Mysterious Portal has opened in Soluna!
- Keep sending us Bug Reports!
- We've tracked down and fixed a few more bugs! Keep sending reports and we'll keep fixing them!
- A mysterious portal has opened into Soluna and cookie powered arm weapons are falling out of it! Make sure to log in and grab one for yourself!
- Great chance to find Richy the Rich Guy in Soluna East this weekend: save your credits for an upcoming o.Ops weapon!
- Please submit any bugs you find to
- Username: put character ID and character name here
- Server: put location of bug here in a "planet"-"city" format
Battle On!
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