Doom Cauldron
Posted by Artix onMobile Game Development - PART 1
A group of spent the weekend at the lab with the goal of learning how to create mobile games for both Android phones and Apple (iPhone, iPad, iPod) devices! We picked a super simple mini-game to make - which was smart, because we needed to focus on the framework of HOW to build a game that runs on so many devices. Each with their little, detailed, and wicked "gotchas" and picky sizing needs. We decided to create a new version of Doom Cauldron. What is Doom Cauldron!? Some of you may remember it was that mini-game I created a few years ago for a 48 hour game making contest... while I was sick... running a fever of 104 F.... which explains why so many of the mix and match combinations of the game were so WEIRD! The new mobile version of this game is being created with AQWorlds style art and even gives you an achievement and access to a shop in AQWorlds. Hopefully we will be done with it in another week or two, then we will put out there on the app stores for you to get at the super ultra expensive price of 100% FREE!
(Coming in a few weeks... we will keep you updated!)
Bonus Story: A pizza delivery guy went waaay out his way on Saturday night to bring food to us at the lab. In addition to a generous tip we gave him an Artix action figure from -- we imagine that was some sort of odd first!