AdventureQuest 3D
Posted by Artix onNew Art, New Monsters, and COMBAT!
New! New! New! Which is sorta funny because you have not even seen the old stuff O_O. It has been three months since the our 3D Game team "went dark." There has not been so much as a whisper of the teams ultra hard work and effort. Well, I made a ton of Touts and Tweets about it.. but other than that *dramatic pause* there has been... only silence. Players across the world repeatedly checked here and and cried out, "WHEN WILL THE SERVERS BE BACK UP!?" and "WHEN WILL BETA GO LIVE!?" and "CAN I BE A MOD AND HAVE FREE GOLD AND ACS!?!?!?!" (All true... mostly the last one.) In the 2012 Year in Review post, I gave a brief update of the games progress and plan... and mentioned something about AdventureQuest Worlds Members getting first shot at what is coming next. We have been careful not to announce when that is exactly going to be because we are making some CRAZY HUGE art changes to AdventureQuest 3D art style. Our new game will look original, unique and different from every other MMO. Check back on Monday as we talk about the new art direction and also about the combat system!