New Releases... for the end of the world?!
Posted by Beleen onOverSoul has been OverStuffed with brand-new improvements and features!
- Icon indicators for Dots and Buffs
- Emoitcons
- Founder Name Color Change
- Card Specials fixes for: Water, Light and Fire
- Defense Capped at 20
- New characters: Frogzard, Snow Ninja, Rudolphtheus
- New NPC Guide Leona the Huntress
Coming Soon to OverSoul: Card customization, Random Encounters on Map and Friends list!
Sharpen thy blades! Summon your friends! We ALL need to join together if we're going to defeat Quetzal and Kezeroth! Chronomancers, Chronocorruptors, Timekillers, and Members must embark on special quests before time runs out: Quetzal’s plan is to destroy all of Lore, fulfilling ancient Mayan prophecy! Gear up in Apacalyptic Warrior sets from the Limited Quantity Shop beginning Saturday, December 22, at 2pm Server Time (EST) to thwart the World Ender's plot and make sure that there will be a Lore to battle in next year... and for many years to come!
Omega has been delayed! Here's what we're going to do -- we're going to offer the Omega Onslaughter/Impaler, Obliterator/Slayer, both Yetis, and an Omega Ticket that grants access to a month-long contest for the price of one 5-key package. When you buy this package you will receive a ticket that will guarantee you receive the items as soon as Omega officially goes live in January. After Omega goes live, we will split the Obliterator and Onslaughter into 2 separate packages as planned, but those who preordered will already have it all and be able to participate in the competition without delay!
The players will try to find Vayle in the Amethyst City and then confront Queen Pallor in her mogkee-filled lair to try and stop her evil plan. There will also be a special Frostval gift for players.
The 3011 Frostval Replay brings with it the return of the Milziiga Sniegapika build-a-mecha - along with all-new Reaper-themed parts for 3012! Fierce competition is on the horizon, as the G.E.A.R.S. Games are set to begin this weekend! The Houses Wolfblade, Runehawk, and Mystraven will battle for the 3012 Championship title. Meanwhile reports are flooding in from the edges of the multiverse, a relentless tide of Shadowscythe is massing. What price victory?
No release. Super sad =(
Every time this year, someone always tries to ruin the festivities: it’s a Frostval tradition! A horrible Ice Lich (antarcticlich?) plans to bring back the villains of Frostval past (what, no present or future?) with sinister zombie power! Do you have what it takes to stop this threat and save Frostval? Plus we are adding a 2nd limited-edition Champions of Lore spell to the LTS, both versions will be gone forever January 2nd. Also be sure to check out the Red Viking and Red Valkyrie player faces in Warlic's Magic Mirror!
Battle on!