Fun and Reindeer Games!
Posted by Beleen onSpreading Holiday Cheer to Special Needs Kids
Frostval came early to a group of Special Needs Kids at my former High School this morning!
If you’ve been following my Twitter, you already know that I was working on a special project for some amazing people. Last night, I worked into the wee hours of the morning crafting 55 hand-made balloon reindeers.
Talk about A LOT of hard work! But you know what? TOTALLY worth it! All of the children LOVED my balloons—and the adults did, too!
All the warm fuzzies inside is worth more than anything else. And that’s the true meaning of Frostval: spreading unconditional holiday cheer to everyone, everywhere, no matter how young or old!
Merry Frostval my friends! =D
Wowie! You and your friends have left AMAZING comments, and all of your kind words have truly touched our hearts. To show our thanks, the AQWorlds team is giving you free in-game Reindeer Balloons!
Everybody can get their very own floating Reindeer Balloon back-item (cape) from Beleen’s birthday shop in Battleon. Members get an extra-special surprise with a Reindeer Balloon Pet!
Since I cannot deliver Reindeer Balloons to you in-person, I can certainly give you them in-game! Just speak to me in Battleon to get your free Reindeer Balloon! Get yours now at !
Merry Frostval boys and girls! You are the reason that this holiday season is so joyful and merry!