Gifts for the Childrens Hospital
Posted by Artix onThe Artix Entertainment team filled Faith's Truck with bags full of wrapped presents from HeroMart and headed to the Children's Hospital to give them out. It was the best start to a day... ever!
A lot of the team dressed up, and the young people we visited were certainly entertained! The Hospital's staff took us room to room. Nythera and Faith had Santa buckets full of candy, then those of us carrying the sacks of gifts (each one containing gifts for a certain age... HeroMart does not have anything for children younger than 4, so we were sure to buy a bunch of plush toys and books for them) delivered a present appropriate for their age. The very first boy we met was a player of AQWorlds... and you should have seen the look on his face when someone recommended that he get me to sign his action figure, and he suddenly realized who I was.
I hope all of the young ones we visited today had lots of fun. Battle on!
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When we were live on the local NBC affiliate news last month, we got a recommendation from the security guard on how to position ourselves for the fight scene. I thanked him and said if he had any other great advice please share. He said, "I do have one piece of advice, take this show over to the Children's Hospital." So, wherever you are Mr. NBC Tampa 13 Security Guard.... mission accomplished. And this is one "show" that is going to have A LOT of re-runs. *salutes with Battle Axe*