Games & Network Fixed!
Posted by Artix onForgot to feed the server hamsters?
On my way to the lab Monday morning, I made a tweet about making it "BEST DAY EVER". So naturally the entire game network went kaboom in what can only be described as the most catastrophic disaster in the past several years. Which, looking back... we have had a surprisingly good track record of "up time". So what happened? We had a serious problem with this server, the one. Our ISP took it offline to help us resolve the issue and... /facepalms.... also accidentally moved some of our other critical servers onto the wrong network. The servers that were moved had no idea where they were, and explained as plainly as I can... screamed. (If a server in the middle of a forest screams, will anyone hear it?) The screaming triggered all sorts of problems and got the servers put on the naughty lists. Meanwhile, back on our network, all of our web pages desperately tried to contact those missing servers. Not getting replies, the web pages posted the error message "Web Server too Busy." Now, anyone with network knowledge is going to say, "HEY! That is not even remotely accurate" to which I reply... "Um, close enough!" Thus not needing to write a novels worth of text explaining our network infrastructure, firewalls, port forwarding, and content management system. So, what do you do when you are still at the lab at 11PM up against even more server problems on the "BEST DAY EVER?" Two words. "Battle On."
P.S. If you have a AQWorlds Membership, we will be extending it by 1 day to make up for the downtime. Thank you for your patience and understanding!