Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by Artix onGratefulness. Turkeys. Evil Monster Turkeys.
Check back tomorrow for our first "Artix Game News" video which will feature former WWE wrestling Diva, Maxine! (crazy, right?) Meanwhile, the games are kicking off their holiday releases & contests. Today, AdventureQuest Worlds is releasing all of the past year's "Harvest Festival" releases and a brand new one. There is also a "Hand Turkey" drawing contest on the forums. Grand prize winner gets his hand turned into an in-game pet. This Friday, the games will be release their darkest "Black Friday" shops. There will be half-off weapons (literally) and a lot of popular items recolored to 50 shades of Black. We also expect HeroMart to release a special bundle of our gaming swag -- well, that is what Faith did last year and we all sorta nudged her about doing it again. *keeps an eye on HeroMart.com* Gobble on!
QUESTION: What are you Thankful for?