Letter Chess
Posted by Artix onHelping a fellow Indie Game Maker
Not too long ago, a professor from the University of South Florida named Henrick Jeanty visited the lab. He showed us the concept for a really interesting word game called Letter Chess. Having been working on the algorithms that run this for many years, it has become his passion and dream to develop and publish the game. As an indy game studio that understands how difficult it is to take an idea and actually make it happen, we encourage any and all of you who love word games to support his kickstarter campaign. To learn more about the game, check out the video on the kickstarter page.
Random Thoughts
- We have had a lot of guests lately! One player, an ArchKnight from the forums, was visiting and brought us a notebook filled with thank yous and tear inducing memories from the forums.
- Henrick was very surprised when he found out how big the lab was, and how many game projects we are working on here. He spent a lot of time talking with Warlic and Galanoth who happily shared their knowledge with him.
- I personally donated $100 to his Letterchess Kickstarter.