Archived Design Notes


Posted by Artix on

New album this October just for our gaming community

New One-Eyed Doll Album needs a name

The band One-Eyed Doll, and their lead singer Kimberly (voted one of the "Hottest Chicks In Hard Rock" by Revolver magazine) appeared in AdventureQuest Worlds as Chaos Lord Discordia of the musical themed zone, Mythsong Canyon. As part of our 10th year anniversary, they will be releasing a new album just for our online video game community in October. But there is one catch... WE NEED TO NAME IT! Help One-Eyed Doll and the AE team name this album: So far we are torn between "Discordia" and "Mythsongs" -- post your preference or original idea to this post or on facebook!

Additional Things and Stuff!

There are always bonus secrets when you click into one of our new ALL-GAMES design notes posts!

  • Album Cover art by the combined powers of Dioz and Dage the Evil! (I LOVE it when these guys team up)
  • The Album will feature a special song called "SALLY" -- it is a semi-known fact that Kimbelry voice acted the pretty pretty pink necromantress Sally in the tower of Necromancy. The song is... cute and creepy
  • The song will include the song "Destiny" which we intend to use with the release of the Blinding Light of Destiny.
  • Both versions of "Ponies and Ponies" are on the CD... including the never before heard dark carnival version.
  • Hmmm... it would be easier just to put a full track list together. (Will do after it is named!)