Archived Design Notes

Talk Like A Pirate Day

Posted by Artix on

Talk Like A Pirate Day 2012

Ahoy, me Hearties! This day be th' day we all ramble like a band 'o swashbucklers. It be "TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY!" Ta get in the spirit of TLaPD, each of our 6 games is setting to sea with Pirate-Themed Releases - starting taday! If ye be need'n a li'l help with yer scallywag-speak, see the original creator's Talk-Like-A-Day How To page... cause if we see ya in-game and yer not speaking the speak, you'll be walk'n the plank, harr harr. Let me hear your BATTLE Aaaaaaaaaar!

AQWorlds Battle Pirate...themed... things? While you are at it, find the new shop and claim yer loot including: a new Naval Commander, Pirate Captain Armor, a Pirate-Qubble Bank Pet, and tons of other pirate themed gear.
DragonFable A strange Elven Pirate has appeared in Falconreach. I would not recommend insulting 'er ears. Rumor has it, the pirate is carrying a chest full of spoils from a distant land.
EpicDuel Dead men tell no tales. An ye'll be making plenty of your foes silent with 20 Talk Like a Pirate Day weapons.
MechQuest Collect the "Pieces of Eight" from locked chests. New for this year: re-colored and newly animated Swashbuckler Head weapons.
HeroSmash Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! Find the Talk Like a Pirate day shop!
AdventureQuest  Return of the Pirate Quiz, the Sea Scurge and Quintend Weapons and 2 new pirate heads!

 NOTE: For all o' ye tak'n notice. Talk Like a Pirate Day is the ONLY day when Artix is allowed to use contractions.