Talk Like A Pirate Day
Posted by Artix onAhoy, me Hearties! This day be th' day we all ramble like a band 'o swashbucklers. It be "TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY!" Ta get in the spirit of TLaPD, each of our 6 games is setting to sea with Pirate-Themed Releases - starting taday! If ye be need'n a li'l help with yer scallywag-speak, see the original creator's Talk-Like-A-Day How To page... cause if we see ya in-game and yer not speaking the speak, you'll be walk'n the plank, harr harr. Let me hear your BATTLE Aaaaaaaaaar!
AQWorlds | Battle Pirate...themed... things? While you are at it, find the new shop and claim yer loot including: a new Naval Commander, Pirate Captain Armor, a Pirate-Qubble Bank Pet, and tons of other pirate themed gear. |
DragonFable | A strange Elven Pirate has appeared in Falconreach. I would not recommend insulting 'er ears. Rumor has it, the pirate is carrying a chest full of spoils from a distant land. |
EpicDuel | Dead men tell no tales. An ye'll be making plenty of your foes silent with 20 Talk Like a Pirate Day weapons. |
MechQuest | Collect the "Pieces of Eight" from locked chests. New for this year: re-colored and newly animated Swashbuckler Head weapons. |
HeroSmash | Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! Find the Talk Like a Pirate day shop! |
AdventureQuest | Return of the Pirate Quiz, the Sea Scurge and Quintend Weapons and 2 new pirate heads! |
NOTE: For all o' ye tak'n notice. Talk Like a Pirate Day is the ONLY day when Artix is allowed to use contractions.