EpicDuel..."Titan" THE INTERVIEW!
Posted by Artix onIn an Epic PvP Interview, only one will survive!
EpicDuel has been rising in popularity for the past 2 years straight. So for those of you who do not know the bloodthirsty, warmongering team of EpicDuel.... avert your eyes and run in fear. Or if you are brave, read on!
*10am. In the dimly lit Secret Lab's War Room*
Artix: Titan, for game players who do not know you yet... WHO OR WHAT ARE YOU!?!?!?!?
Titan: I am a 10 foot tall programming god that eats lightning bolts!
Artix: Are lightning bolts an excellent source of calcium with milk?
Titan: Not as much as bacon cheeseburgers, or double cheeseburgers, a Titan favorite.
Artix: How tall are you really? Erm. Just wait here a moment.
*Artix gets a tape measure and uses it on Titan* It reads 6'6".
Titan: The 10 foot tall programming god part is part of the lore.
Titan: No for real, I'm actually the creator and lead programmer for EpicDuel. I ensure on a weekly basis that new exciting content and features are constantly available in game.
Artix: What is EpicDuel? ... and why is it taking up more and more of our game networks bandwith each month?
Titan: EpicDuel is a PvP game that takes place on the planet Delta V, (read Delta Five)! It's an exciting world where players come together from around the world to battle in ever evolving strategic combat online! It's exciting because each week the battle dynamics change. Player's love it because of the ongoing struggle for control of the planet, and the ability to constantly improve and change their characters. With the release of new skills, robots, staffs, giant clubs, and super bikes, each duel is different from the last.
Artix: Can you fight ANYONE in EpicDuel?
Titan: When you become powerful enough, you can even challenge me! But of course you'll lose.
Artix: The EpicDuel community has been growing, how about your team?
Titan: Just like our player base, the EpicDuel team has grown. We started with a team of two, and have now grown to 5 plus the constant help and great assistance from community volunteers, without them it would be impossible to keep up.
Artix: Can you tell us about the EpicDuel team? Who is on the team, where do you work, do you have any juicy gossip, secrets? ...do you hide snacks in your drawers? What kind of snacks are they? Are there enough to share? If not can you get more? What is your team eating for lunch today?
Titan: Currently, myself and RabbleFroth (our amazing new coder) design and develop the infrastructure for the Delta V world. We constantly evolve the engine to improve performance, and add fun new gameplay elements. Our art team, consisting of lead artist Nightwraith, and his super art sidekick Charfade, create graphical magic on a weekly basis, churning out more content than 2 people should humanly be able to. And finally, Cinderella, a great liason to the community who has been with us from the very beginning. She helps keep the community informed about upcoming exciting features, and more recently she's added to her responsibilities by writing the story that drives EpicDuel forward.
Artix:*whispers* are there .... secrets?
Titan: ... and rest assured there is plenty of gossip and secrets, but ... they wouldn't be secrets if I shared.
Well, ok, so let's not lie about it, we have some superpowerful admin codes to deal ultra damage, block everytime, and own like it's our job.
Artix: ...
Titan: I guess it is our job, so that makes sense.
Artix: Is there anything else that a new players MUST KNOW about EpicDuel? As the game's creator, can you give us the #1 tip to get into the game and start rising on your leader board?
Titan: Want to climb to the top fast? When you first login, fight some quick battles and join a faction. Factions are teams of players fighting together for the same cause. Whether you want to join The Lawman alongside the Exile Resistance, or Alydriah and her Legion army, it's up to you and your allies how the world will Evolve. You'll learn from the best and climb to the top faster than you can say Double Bacon Cheese.
You can play EpicDuel using Artix Entertainment's
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