Mobile & AdventureQuest3D
Posted by Artix onDouble Post Tuesday!
Every day we seem to come up with a new project that takes significantly longer than a day to finish. This has been the case since January 1st. Our current "backlog" of projects is so comically long that I actually had to put sticky notes on the wall to remind us that the new things we NEED to focus on are AQ3D, Oversoul, & the AQWorlds Artbook. Then... this happened today /facepalm
AdventureQuest Mobile Test
A lot of players have been requesting a mobile version of our games. But, flash does not run (well) on most mobile devices and Adobe has since cancelled their mobile flash support. Those of you watching my Facebook and Twitter this weekend saw that I was spending my free time playing around with some alternative solutions. Then, Rolith got involved... just a few minutes ago, we had a break through. In the following video you can see AdventureQuest Worlds monsters playing their animations on top of a fairly complex background at ~24 frames per second on an ancient iPod Touch.
Based on the success of this test, we really want to try creating a AdventureQuest classic style game, using AQWorlds art, adding some DragonFable style PvP, and maybe if we can wing it... chat.
AdventureQuest 3D Progress Update
Even more good news! Adobe has.... <comment removed> *BAD ARTIX BAD. YOU SIGNED AN NDA AND ARE NOT LEGALLY ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT THIS SUBJECT, YET.* ...and we are so happy and exicted that all of that hard work last month was worth it. We are making a lot of progress!
Minimal and Zhoom are building "server side geometry." This is probably the trickiest part of building a massively multiplayer 3D game. They are coding the game engine to know what the 3D maps look like. Once it is done, monsters will know where walls are so they will walk around them, and hackers will not be able to "fly" or "teleport around." This is especially important for PvP.
Yergen and Korin are working on the "look and feel" of combat. We have our player character battling the Trolluck at various distances and different swing speeds. We have been spending a lot of time trying to add motion trails to weapon swings. Motion trails look AWESOME! (Most of what is in the current build of the game is really generic... but our goal is to make all of the animation crazy over the top)
Meanwhile, Llusion, Xero and the rest of the team have been creating different elementally themed areas. We plan on releasing a fly through of the various areas at DragonCon. OMG! DragonCon is in 2.5 weeks!!!!!
TEDxTampaBay Talks
I was invited to speak at the TEDxTampaBay Talk on September 21st. My gut told me not to, but everyone on Twitter said go for it... and I have become conditioned to whatever you guys on Twitter say. The theme of the talk is "Story Telling." Hmmm.... what should I talk about?
DragonCon 2012
Come meet the team and I at DragonCon, the largest multi-media, popular culture convention focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film in the universe! See the website for dates and times. We will have our crazy all-games, anything goes Artix Entertainment Panel on Saturday @ 5:30pm at the Hilton in Grand Salon E! Thank you to Felicia Day for bumping our time slot ;-) We will also take turns running our fan table.... stop by each day for a different "badge tag." This year's Day 1, Day 2, & Day 3 badge tags were drawn and painted by Dioz and Dage. Oh! If you would like ANYTHING signed, bring it to the panel or table and we will sign it for you. Something fun people have been doing ltely is getting all of the cards with NPCs on it, and getting each person to sign their NPC card!
COMING NEXT: For all of you creative types... Yergen is going to run a AQ3D monster drawing contest. More details coming soon :-)