Monster Profile: Trolluk
Posted by Artix onWho wants to see the moving 3D model of this guy?
Um... click on the screnshot below to load the 3D Animated Monster Viewer (Unity) that we put together for you! Then read the story of how the Trolluk was named below. For those of you who have been watching our progress... we have come a long way from that initial sketch and black and white model.
Check out the Trolluk in our 3D Animated Monster Viewer (Unity)
What is a Trolluk?
Loth, the adventurer who is credited with first seeing a Trollulk, commented in an exclusive interview, "It's been nearly a year since I first discovered the Trolluk. Well, I didn't discover it. Little Figgy the moglin saw it first. I remember it like it was yesterday. He raised his little finger, pointed up at the approaching monster and shouted 'TROLL'... and as the club suddenly came down on his head he let out a pretty squeeky 'UK!'. By the time our healer inquisitively asked, 'A Troll-wha?' I was already running away so fast that I barely heard the sound of that club flattening him into a pancake too. Barely. I have a new adventuring party now. We mostly just hide in the inn playing parcheesi now. What? Don't you dare give me that judging stare. Only adventures with a death wish would want to go up against a Trolluk!" We have yet to find another adventurer who has survived an encounter with a Trolluk. Loth was last seen at the Inn, bragging about a buff gave him the narrow adventage he needed to win a tricky game of parcheesi. (The "UK!" sound first appeared when you shoot a moglin in Robina's Monster Hunt)
2013 Calendar
Often referred to as the "Awwwww man... the world did not end.... AGAIN!? calendar" we are working on the official Artix Entertainment ALL GAMES 2013 calendar. As posted on my Twitter earlier today, we would like to try something new. Instead of using existing game art to put together the standard 12 page calendar, we would like to put the artist dream team of Dioz, Mido & Dage together and let them go ALL OUT to create a massive calendar poster. (The last thing you saw them do was the Dage vs Nulgath - which set our all time record number of likes on Facebook.) The theme, would be celebrating our 10 years of adventure which begins this October. Someone on Twitter mentioned it should be like those crazy Capcom Streetfighter mashup posters... and we think that is a GREAT IDEA! So we will try to feature as many heroes and villains from all games as possible. Dioz is doing a thumbnail sketch so we can show you what we mean. But we could use your help.... what heroes and villains would you like to see on the calendar!? Comment on this post and let us know! (Login in the upper right)