Posted by Artix onWe are building a new 3D, web based, MMO, in Flash, called AdventureQuest3D: Legend of LORE. If you have never been with us for the creation of a new game before, then hold on to your helms (or hoods, or hair, or ears) because what we do is stupidly crazy and definitively insane. We start with only one town, very limited features, and then build the game right under your feet as you play it.
If you were with us for the creation of the original flash-based AdventureQuest, DragonFable, MechQuest, AdventureQuest Worlds or any our other games, then you may know (or have heard) how this goes. We want you to build the game along side us. But this type of experience is not for everyone. If you want to play a finished, fully functional game... you know, something where you hit the attack button and it actually attacks, instead of twisting your character in half and snaping like that one scene from the Iron Man 2... or worse, you hit attack and nothing happens because combat currently does not work (Note: It does not) then you should wait until we have the "LIVE RELEASE" which should happen around October. If you are the sort of person who can handle browser crashing, broken features, rapidly evolving... everything, and are more interested in helping us build the game than playing it -- then we need your help. If you are willing, you should consider becoming an AlphaKnight.
AlphaKnight (A3K)
AlphaKnights, also known as an "A3K" are our elite testers. They are there from the beginning. Helping us squish bugs, running tests, improving chat, running tests, improving gameplay, running tests, and basically building the world ...and running tests. There are going to be so many tests you would think we were Aperture Science. But these tests are how AlphaKnights get ranked. See, for each test that an AlphaKnight participates in, they earn a certain number points. Convienently called, "AlphaPoints." Anyone else detecting a theme here? When the game goes live, you will have a character page on the Legend of LORE website which will display your acheivement badges for other players to see. Anyone who becomes an AlphaKnight will receive a special "AlphaKnight" badge on their AdventureQuest3D character page and it will also display their points (up to the cap) so they can prove how much they helped. NOTE: Just for qualifying to become a AlphaKnight, you automatically get 200 points and the badge. In addition keeping score for an AlphaKnight (A3K), these points will have a mysterious use in the future. Dunnn dunnn dunnnn!
How can I become an AlphaKnight?
After carefully listening your comments, and taking into consideration everyone who has helped us get to where we are now, the prerequisites to becoming an Alpha Knight are as follows:
- Alpha Testers of AQ3D
If you have pre-registered for AQ3D, or participated in any AQ3D alpha test, you are automatically being awarded the title of AlphaKnight and all of your points are being transfered over! You do not have to do anything. Done. Finito! Congratulations! Winner winner chicken dinner! (Note: If you did not get the 250pts for the last chat test yet... you know, the one that only lasted 3 hours, do not worry, that test will resume and you will be able to get the points when testing resumes.) - AQWorlds & HeroSmash Members
If you have an active AQWorlds and/or HeroSmash Membership, and your account is linked to you will be able to create an account and when the tests resume you will automatically recieve AlphaKnight status and 200pts. (PRIORITY ACCESS: Since you are pretty much paying for the cost of running the testing servers, your ACTIVE Membership will grant you additional access, and also priority access when capacity is an issue. Only seems fair.) - AQ Guardians, DF DragonLords, MQ StarCaptains, and EpicDuel Varium Users
If you supported us in our other games and your account(s) are linked to ... congratulations, you qualify to become an AlphaKnight! (WHAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!?!?!) I know, during the previous incarnation of this plan we were really, really, really concerned about the limited server space. This is still a serious issue... but we will find a way to make it work. I listened to all of the comments from the players of these games and to be bluntly honest, I had trouble sleeping at night after making the original announcement. You are the reason we are here, and I personally WANT you to be a part of this... and everything we build in the future. I love you guys.
While I was writing this, Adobe posted on their blog that there is going to be an extension to the Licensing which may give us more (much needed) time to get the game running. We are going to start updating our websites in a week with the designs from our new designer, Draven ....I am going to ask Captain to temporarily put something in the portal to reflect your AlphaKnight (A3K) status and current amount of points.I am sure there will be a lot of additional questions and things I missed here -- I will do my best to address them on the F.A.Q. when it goes live next week. But as a rule of thumb, "We are building the game crazily wrong, and treating you guys right." The way it should be!
Be sure to check back each day as I update you on our progress and post weird photos. Having been sick for nearly 2 weeks, I have a lot of interesting photos queued up that I have been dying to post. For example, appearently, Kimberly of One-Eye Doll took the Sepulchure figure on stage with her during a concert.