This Week's Releases
Posted by Kiara onFridays really are the best days of the week! Here is what's coming up in all of our games. Which release are you most excited about? (Personally, I've been waiting for the Dage vs Nulgath (or Dave vs Nulgath, depending on where your finger lands) war for AGES!!
AdventureQuest Worlds
The time has come for you to pledge your allegiance to Nulgath the Archfiend... or Dage the Evil! One of these dark Commanders WILL take control of the Underworld but they will need your help to do it. Evil faces off against Evil to finish the conflict Dage’s quest for independence began. Join forces with Dage's Undead Legion to show Nulgath what true power looks like or support Nulgath and show the Legion that strength and loyalty together can crush the weak!
With six shops full of epic reward items, member-only and free-player farming quests, and an opening cinematic cutscene by Nulgath, the first wave of the Dage vs Nulgath war sets the stage for a final confrontation of ultime Evil!
The Legion forces have breached the first layer of security to the Delta Vault, but the Exiles aren't far behind! Join the war and equip the incredible Infernal Interdictor. This weapon deals increased damage against the Vault doors and increases the damage of critical hits. M4tr1x is waiting behind the first door to award the brave warriors with Mechachillid armor which offers increased protection against the Vault's security system.
Explore the woods between Amityvale and Hunter's Paradise to find our latest quest, Red Riding Hood! Remember, though... not everything is what it seems in those creepy woods around Amityvale....
Be sure to check the event section of the shops panel for your very own 4th of July mecha! This year's theme is based off an older model, but is a grand lightshow of destruction! It's only available until Monday so grab that mecha!
The Freedom Day shop gets an update! If you want to get your hands on limited time items, be sure to check it out. But you better hurry! The Freedom Day shop will be leaving next Friday and it will be gone for a full year.
A poem about cats.
On twitter, Adam promised to write a poem about cats. So here it is:
Cats are not bats
They are not robots, or monkeys, or gnats.
Cats can be vicious
They can be smelly, vain, inauspicious.
But most of all, cats are just cats
They are for purrs, comfort and chats.
AdventureQuest Classic
Fred on Strike! For years, players have speculated how their character manages to carry so much equipment around with them everywhere. But at long last, during this week's release, you'll find out the answer....the hard way!