Archived Design Notes

Introducing THOK!

Posted by Artix on

BattleGems Friend 1/6

You may not know it yet.. but Thok is one of your all time favorite characters ever. He is a PvP brawler to the core. He will fight anything... monsters, great dragons, trees, mountains, rain, metaphorical concepts, and even himself! Good thing he is on our side. Thok is a NPC (non-player character) from our new mobile game BattleGems which we are building right now as you read this. Like BattleGem's facebook page to follow our  progress and be the first to know when the game is ready to be released!


Thok never backs down from a battle. He is not scared of fighting anything, ever. He is brave and loyal to his friends... but he will spar with them at a moment's notice just to prove how tough he is. So my question to you is... why is Thok like this? What made him this way? Why do you think he needs to prove himself against everything?