Archived Design Notes

DoomWood 2: Whispers of the Dark Lord

Posted by Artix on

It is good to have both a Day and Knight job

I have been spending my days working on the new 3D game, and my nights working on the continuation of DoomWood which will begin next week in AQWorlds. Thank you to everyone who poured forth your awesome-filled ideas of awesomeness. I ended up working quite a few of them into the script... which I finally finished at ~4:30am last night. (NEW RULE: It is not insomnia if it involves multiple coffees at the stroke of midnight.) The saga currently has 5 parts... with each segment getting increasingly crazy. The original DoomWood revealed Artix's story... but this new story will futilely shine the spotlight on a MUCH DARKER character (See what I did there? This character is so dark the spotlight does not work on them!) . By segment three, things get so out of control that it promises to completely mess up the main storyline of the entire AQWorlds game. *warm smile* REALLY hope you like it!

DoomWood 2: Whispers of the Darkness Lord

3D Game Update

I know everyone is anxious to hear more on the development of our new 3D game -- so here is the inside scoop for you. We have 3D character load, main-weapon/off-weapon/armor/helm/back swapping, texture blending, movement, and multiple "area" dungeon loading working. It works... but is not pretty yet (*TV Alert Announcer Voice* This is a test. A test of the emergency design notes pretty graphic system. In the event that any graphical element was actually pretty, there would be a screenshot or playable demo or both. OK, we both know there would definately be both. This was only a test. We now return you to your reguarly scheduled Design Notes.)  We ran a quick test, and most computers were able to handle, with 0 lag, over 100 of our moving/fighting 3D characters on the screen at the same time. This is because all the hard 3D work is done by your graphics card, not your CPU. There are a few weird glitches Minimal and Zhoom are trying to work out. For example, there is a 2 second delay when a character is first loaded. Once these are fixed, they will begin coding the game-logic for our new multiplayer server. You know... so you can log in and walk around! The alpha tests will be starting soon.

QUESTION: Would you like to do an alpha test where you can walk around and chat, even if there is no combat yet?