Mobile Game Development
Posted by Artix on
Creating Omni-Games
This is the year that game studios across the world are taking their games "Cross Platform." If you have not seen this happening, you certainly will soon. It is a critical move for game studios who are continuing to grow during these crazy times. Thanks to you, we have been building and growing our games over the past 10 years. Many of our competitors, despite having larger teams and being better funded than us, did not survive. The ones that are left are all making the same wise move we now must make. We must make all of our games playable on iPhones, iPads, Androids, iPods, Tablets, Windows Phones and other mobile devices. Because it is not possible to do this using our tool of choice, Flash, we are now learning new technology and tools. The name we have assigned to this overwhelming task is "Project: Omni." It is not one game, it is actually the future of all of our games. From the original AdventureQuest to the new AdventureQuest3D, all games must be re-created from the ground up to play on all devices. Now, you must be thinking, "OMG!!!! Do you have any idea how much work that is?" The answer is, yes. So before we commit to trying to do the impossible, we have the entire team building a fresh new game project to see how far we can push the devices with our graphics and animation. It is off to an amazing start! If you are interested in learning how we are making this new game run on every device, then join me here each day for a behind the scenes post of our progress. Future posts will be a lot more funny than this post... probably not on purpose :-P