AQ3D Alpha Test #5
Posted by Artix onThis TEST has ended... next one coming soon.
Ready for the next test of the new 3D, browser based video game we are building? Programmer Zhoom has been hard at work on "interactive objects." So we are bringing the test server online from Thursday (until AQWorld's new release starts Friday night) to try it out! To participate in the Alpha Test you must be a Member of AdventureQuest Worlds or have supported one of our games in the past. We love you guys for making all of this possible!

Alpha Test (Version 0.05) has ended.
About this test
We are running behind schedule and still coding the functionality for today's new test. It is looking like an early afternoon release. So instead of posting the normal Play-By-Play, I am going to post the specifics of what has (or has not) been changed below.
- Alpha Points for the previous tests have been added!
- All inventory items have crumbled to dust (as they do with every Alpha Test -- items are more likely to remain when we go to Beta Testing.)
- Test #5 is worth 500 total Alpha Points
- 400 if you complete the new quest and have the "Fire Sword" in your inventory at the end of the test
- 100 if you re-complete last week's quest
- Before this test begins, the max points anyone could have is 601. If you missed out on any previous tests, there will be plenty of opportunity to gets lots of Alpha Points. You may have noticed, each test has been worth more points than the last.
- The maps will be the same as the last test... because the new maps we are working on are secret and "No Spoilers!"
- Leona, the NPC which gives the quest will no longer be "killable"
- The fix for "broken monster pathing" will not be fixed in this test
- The "white character bug" and "pink item bug" will not be fixed in this test
- To complete the new quest, you need to collect wood, go into the volcano and kill fire mosnters to collect flint, then go around the map lighting torches.