Oversoul Tournament
Posted by Artix onBattle in this weekend’s PvP card game Tournament!
Enter our 1st ever Tournament! Winner gets a statue of their character in town. Top 100 players get immortalized on the wall of champions. The slaughterfest begins today Friday, April 19th @ 4pm EST and the carnage ends on Sunday, April 21st at 8pm EST. Think you have what it takes to be in the top 100? Or do you just want to hunt the players on the top 100 list to slow them down and ruin their winning streak? This tournament is open to ALL players. To compete, simply battle random players using the “BATTLE: Player” button. You know, the big red shiny one at the bottom of the screen. Every win will bring you closer to the ultimate 1st place price…. And if you do achieve 1st place on the leader board at the end of the tournament a statue of you constructed in the main town!

- Happening in-game at OverSoul.Artix.com
- BEGINS Friday, April 19st at 4pm EST
- ENDS Sunday, April 21st at 8pm EST
- Win battles vs random players using the Battle: Player button to rise in rank
- #1 Player will have a statue of them placed in town
(Statue will remain prominently in town until it is gloriously moved to the upcoming Hall of Champions, immortalizing the winner for all time.) - Top 100 players will also be immortalized on a web page called the Wall of Champions for everyone to see.
- We reserve the right to award players who participate at any level if we feel they have battled with honor
- Cheats/Hackers/Exploiters will be disqualified
- “Disconnects” are being tracked. High numbers of disconnects from battles will cause players to be disqualified.
- The game is in Beta and we are doing this for no other reason than it is something cool for all of you battle hungry Oversoul Players… so when problems inevitably happen, or things do not go as well as we would like, remember the age old battle cry: “THIS IS… A BETA TEST!”