AdventureQuest 3D Test Results
Posted by Artix on
"And the Waterfall ran red with Kool-Aid"
In our latest test of AdventureQuest 3D, our fearless alpha testers logged in to a darker, more sinister world besieged by the evil undead. We released our first quest, and players were very happy to find that your progresson the quest was saved if you logged out. A major upgrade from our previous games. We intentionally made the quest extremely long to test this. Unfortunately, the character giving out the quest could (and was) killed often.

Players had their armored randomly colored when they entered they logged in. Also, we all got to see our first "scaled" monster, a comically large Giant Skeleton. Everyone was after the Giant Skeleton's head. Originally, it was a 10% drop, and you had to roll to win the item when it dropped. Our new loot system is HIGHLY flexable, so we changed it to be a 20% drop, and when it does drop, everyone who attacked the monster gets the item (AQWorlds style). Players also discovered a volcanic fire cave (a throw back to the DragonFable Alpha Test from 7 years ago) and those who fought through to the end fought the boss to get a Fire Trophy which was worth a single Alpha Point (The hardest and most memorable alpha point ever earned.) The 100 player per room stress test was a disaster resulting in crashed browsers and many locked up computers. We discovered some major memory usage issues thanks to this, and looking forward to seeing if we fix them in the next test. Over all, this test was a huge success!

Thank you to everyone who helped!
When I say this test was a huge "success" it is not because it worked flawlessly, but because we discovered so many of the critical bugs, errors, graphical issues and know how to fix them. This is the purpose of the tests. Being an Alpha Tester is not for everyone. People who want to experience a fully functional, working "game" should wait until Beta. But those of you who are strong enough to perservere through these tests to make a game for everyone to play -- you are truly worthy of the title, "AlphaKnight." Thank you again for helping :-)

Now in Development!
We are working on an overwhelming list of things including bug fixes and new features. If you were among the people having graphics issues (white screens, flickering, crashing, not working) then good news -- the test helped us discover what was causing a lot of these problems and we are working on fixing them for the next test. We are also going to make sure you are able to get lots of Alpha Points to catch up once you are able to actually play the game. Here is the big list
- Chat improvements (including color fix)
- Camera control improvements
- New Interface
- SoundFX & Music
- Class & Multi-Class development system
- Elemental Skills
- The first 4 zones and 2 dungeon instances
- Customizable hair, faces and idle positions (make your character unique)
- New Armor and Equip slots (robes, leather, shoulders, etc)
- New Monsters (Dravir, Spider Lair creatures, and more)
- Add "falling through the world" fix
- Interactable World Objects
- Fix more Mac's running Chrome
- SHOES! (Maybe)
I am not sure which of the above you will see first, but all of these will be happening pretty rapidly. On a final note -- I really enjoyed hanging out with everyone on the test server the past day. We throw around ideas, laugh, be silly. It is hard to keep up with all of the chat questions (I am pretty outnumbered) so I really appriciate everyone who helped answer questions when you knew the answer. For a lot of people answer the same question over and over and over and over can be pretty frustrating -- so for those of you who also have the stomach for answering with a smile each time, know that it is very appriciated. One day in the future, we will look back and kindly remember this as the "good old days" and boggle at how far the game has come from these hubmle beginnings. Thank you for being a part of this.