AdventureQuest 3D: Alpha Test #.004
Posted by Artix on
Your goal in today's test is login, speak with Leona, and complete her quest objectives to recieve a Trophy (worth 250 alpha points). It will not be easy as any items you obtained from the previous test have crumbled to dust. A darkness has befallen our small alpha test town. The waterfall runs red with blood (or possibly kool-aid) and a horde of skeletons shambles through the streets. Each time you log in, you will be randomly assigned a different color armor to test our new armor painter. Also, an entrance to a volcanic dungeon has appeared on the outskirts of town. Report bugs here as a comment please!
Play by Play
10:00am | All AQ3D team members reporting in for duty! Combat stations armed. |
10:30am | Fixing a bug preventing us to put new item drops on monsters in the database. Then sneaking weapons and armor on the skeletons for you to find. Yergen... MIGHT... be sneaking a item on to the last monster in the fire cave worth a bonus 1 Alpha Point (The hardest alpha point you will ever work for.) |
11:00am | Looks like we are on schedule for an on-time release.... *dramatic pause*... *laughter ensues*.... no, really! |
11:10am | Warlic just walked in, and tried to renegotiate his contract so that he would be paid in goats. This may be a result of how long he was up working on OverSoul's code last night. |
11:40am | We are fixing a bug with the entrance of the fire dungeon. It looks like Yergen is, in fact, adding a EXTREMELY hard to get prize worth.... 1 Alpha Point. Since none of us have ever been able to survive to the end of the fire cave in a group before, this should be interesting to see if any of you can. |
11:55am | Attention flight attendants, please do your pre-flight boarding check. Make sure all passengers are in their upright, seated position. If someone is playing on their gameboy or iPod please harrass them into turning it off so the built up resentment can be seen in their faces when you sarcastically smile offering them a drink during the food and beverage service of the flight. In the event that they actually say anything logical in defense, feel free to tase the passengers. Any remaining feelings of hurt or hostility can be reinforced later with a begrudgingly spoken "Buh Bye." We will be taking off in the next 5 to 15 minutes. |
12:05pm | NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! We are ready to launch but have ONE little bug. An invisible wall appeared blocking the entrance to the Fire Dungeon. Fixing it an updating the map. Then we will be ready to go live. We need to start calling this the Alpha Test Curse. Wait, this happens in Beta too. ... and now that I think of it also in Live. We should call this the timed release curse. Be right back! |
12:26pm | Woot! The fix is done, and Zhoom is uploading the files now. The next post will be Test #0.004 going live! |
12:37pm | AQ3D: Alpha Test #0.004 is now LIVE! Good hunting AlphaKnights. |
Report your bugs as a comment to this post. May the fates favor thy battles, Alpha Knights!
Top Bugs
- Assorted (Browser Specific) unable to Login, Load & "Blue Flame" Bugs
- Unity Crashing issues
- Artix's Puns
- Remaining video card problems "Pink Screen Bugs"