AdventureQuest 3D Update
Posted by Artix on
"Smell the 3rd 'D'... SMELL IT!"
As a 2D video game studio making its first foray into the 3rd dimension, we have certainly been climbing our way up the learning curve. It continues to be challenging and fun. This week we built a volcano dungeon with some wicked looking pouring lava and a pixel shader which gives the illusion that the boiling hot magma is rippling like water under a waterfall.

Samba is animating the half-dragon creature known as the Dravir. There are two versions. A wild feral version and a noble warrior-knight version. Meanwhile, heavy work has been going on under the hood of our 3D game engine. We have equippable armor, capes, boots, gloves, belts, and unique multiple styles of each working for our characters. Next week, Korin will be animating the extra pieces... so, you know, you can have cool fluttering capes while you run around and do jump spin attacks on monsters. There are an extremely large number of small detailed challenges our programmers Minimal and Zhoom are solving. And I mean, literally, solving them right now as I type this. Things that most people would never think a game developer would ever have to take time on. For example, when any player in the room changes a piece of armor, there is a tiny blip of lag. The reason for this is the real-time compositing of a character's texture takes a short, but intensive moment for a computer to process. To fix this, they created this really inventive queue system so the game spaces out when it attempts to change someones armor. It is almost ready. Which brings me to... OUR NEXT ALPHA TEST! We are aiming for mid-next week. The purpose of Alpha Test .004 will be to test equipping different pieces of armor on your characters. Maybe battling in a Volcano. Check back often for more news about the next Alpha Test.

UPDATE: Zhoom just ran the database query to give everyone who obtained Gems in the last test their Alpha Points! You can earn more Alpha Points by participating in the next text.