Oversoul Evolution
Posted by Artix onRe-envisioning the Card Game Play
It has been 4 months since Halloween night, when Oversoul's public beta started. Since, the game has been haunted by a never ending plague of weird and complex problems. Rumors are whispered that the game itself may be cursed. Which... is sorta awesome and exactly the type of game I am interested in playing. But there is one major problem that is not supernatural in nature: The card gameplay is confusing and hard to play. That is why Nulgath, Warlic, Rolith and I reviewed all of the comments you posted over the past few months and are making HUGE improvements across the game. The card game battle interface is being re-designed. New card art, in-battle chat, and "intelligent & responsive game design" which will make this card game easier and more fun to play. Warlic is nearly fininshed completely recoding the battle system -- which which make it easier to add new types of cards and solves "unsolvable bugs" like the absorption bug. There will be no game update this week as the team is aiming to release as much of the new Oversoul interface as possible next week. (Meanwhile, the curse watches... lingering... waiting for the best moment to strike.)
QUESTION: Are you going to try out the new Oversoul once the new interface goes live?