Buff your Luck!
Posted by Beleen onOrcs and Ogres find refuge in OverSoul! Can you capture and master the Ogre Shaman, the Ogre Maiden, and the Orc Savage? You can also unlock the Pactonal Captain from the shop… but how it’s unlocked is determined by your lifetime of Soul Gems…
Get ready for 3 feet of 2D fury in 1 ring to battle them all! The stars of Hulk Hogan’s Micro Wrestling league duke it out in the Battleon Coliseum during this special Dwarves versus Giants event. Explore the newly redesigned Battleon town and gear up in the exclusive DragonClaw Armor set—only available for a limited time! Then test your luck in 7 Shamrock Fair Minigames, win Lucky Day Seasonal Rares, and permanent Lucky Day RARES: the Guardian o' Sláinte Armor set. ShamRock n’ roll all weekend long!
Spring into action: the Spring Event has begun! Botanical Battlegear goes live with the 10,000 Varium package, and comes with 2 mutating weapons plus an exclusive core: Growth Serum. Seasonal rare Spring Event weapons have also returned, so speak with Charfade, Naomi, and Valestra (in Frysteland) to get them! Now that Spring is here, the Winter / Frysteland rares will be leaving until next year. The missions and Heartbreaker / Azrael weapons will remain a bit longer to let everyone participate in the epic clash against the Elite Yeti!
This weekend is the Lucky Day celebration! The Lucky Day Storybook is now live in your Book of Lore for you to replay through past years celebrations. New additions to Lucky Day include a quest and a treasure hunt so that we can continue with Sulen'Eska next week. Dracelix has made some amazing things for you to hunt down! Feelin’ lucky? Turn your Fable into Reality!
Accidents have been happening all over Lore, as if someone had drained all the luck from the world. Leprechauns do not seem to be immune to the effects either. The scheming banker Uncle Sham is now in danger of losing his kingdom and now seeks the help of the bravest of Lore's heroes! Battle on in the 2013 Blarney War!
Battle ON!