Play by Play!
Posted by Artix onAdventureQuest 3D: Alpha Test Version 0.003
We conducted a test for our upcoming 3D, browser based fantasy game, AdventureQuest 3D: Legend of Lore. The goal of the test is to see if we fixed all of the major bugs from the previous test. The game uses the Artix Entertainment "One Login to Rule them All" (The same login as this web site, EpicDuel, Oversoul, HeroSmash, and To qualify as a tester (known as an AlphaKnight) you must either be an active upgrade member of AdventureQuest Worlds, or have supported us in one of our previous games. Follow this "play by play" for behind the scenes secrets, blunders, and craziness as the current test unfolds! (For all our friends in Brasil, a player named Bull is translating the Play by Play in Protuguese!) Also, use the links to the right to follow me on Twitter & Facebook.

(The button will turn red when Alpha Testing is Open)
Play by Play
Victory! |
Alpha Test 0.003 was a great success! The server is now offline. Thank you again to everyone who helped us test over the past 24 hours. We found a lot of things to fix, and we have a lot of new features in the works! I will be posting the time for the next test as soon as possible. While you wait for the next test, be sure to check out the MCW Micro Championship Wrestling event happening in AdventureQuest Worlds Friday night! Battle on! |
2:50pm |
The Alpha Test is pretty stable! We are leaving the servers online so you have a change to get all three gems. Remember, each color Gem is worth 50 Alpha Points. (Max of 150 if you have them all) Good hunting, and see you in the Alpha! |
2:30pm |
Resetting game to normal room size (15 players per room.) We noticed that everyone's XP values fell back to the last save after the reboot -- this means the XP is not being saved regularly. We will fix this for the next test. The wall of monsters inside the cave are pretty difficult to pass, it is quite a challenge... the result is we have seen VERY FEW players who managed to get the Blinding Light of Destiny or the final Gem from that monster. Need to use strategy for this one! |
2:05pm |
50 Player per room test! (Result - PRETTY GOOD!) |
2:00pm |
100 Player per room test! (Result - Much better than before... still ultra laggy) |
1:20pm |
Testers are online and battling monsters :-) Be sure to post your bugs as comments as you find them. |
1:00pm |
Alpha Test .003 is now OPEN! |
12:25pm |
We have a few more minutes to wait, so... story time! Update: Zhoom says 10 minutes until we are ready for AQ3D showtime! |
12:18pm |
PvP! We disabled world PvP to prevent the horrific massacre that would surely occur with the more stable version of the game. However, you can still PvP on a special map for all of you blood thirsty war mongers :-) Type /join PvPmap to go there once in game. We are just waiting for the files to finish spreading across the internet and then we can begin. |
12:10pm |
Blue Sky Bug: This is when your entire game turns sky blue. This bug was fixed so that players will not longer get it when logging in the game. However, we just discovered if you move your mouse around while you are dead it can cause you to Blue Sky Bug when you respawn. (Calling it Blue Sky instead of Blue Screen to avoid confusion with the term "Blue Screen" which is used to describe crashing your entire computer.) |
12:00pm |
We are fixing a few last minute bugs and getting the fixes uploaded to the CDN. While you wait:
11:45am |
Today, in town you fill find Leona, the AlphaKnight Trainer. She wants you to find 3 gems hidden on monsters in this release: Red Gem, Blue Gem & the Green Gem. Your quest is to have one of each in your inventory by the end of the test... which we are going to run as late as possible for you all. After the test, Zhoom will run a query on the database and give you 50 Alpha Points for the Red one, 50 for the Green one, and 50 for the Blue one (worth 150 points if you have them all!) |
11:30am | We are currently uploading the current game test to our CDN (content delivery network.) We expect testing to begin before 12:30pm EST. The gray button at the upper right of the screen will change to red when the test is live. |
11:00am | Entire AdventureQuest 3D Team online and preparing for testing. |

Comments: Just like last time, please report bugs as comments! Be sure to check after posting, because I might have more questions to figure out what is causing the bug.