AdventureQuest 3D: Alpha Test
Posted by Artix on
The testing continues WEDNESDAY!
Thanks to all of our testers, we were able to find and fix an enormous amount of bugs including the monster bug, the pink screen bug, the blueish screen bug and more. This Wednesday, join us in putting these fixes to the test! Also, we are placing three item drops in the game. Each one will be worth 50 more Alpha Points. If this test is a success, we will be moving on to create quests & classes.
Happening in the next test
- We are planning to start at noon, and run it until ~8 or 9pm EST. (subject to change)
- Preview of "The Chapel"!!!
- Items you found in the previous test have crumbled to dust and dissapeared. (Tis' the way of Alpha Testing!)
- You will keep your earned Experience (XP)
- Secret Item Drops (On monsters)
- Red Gem (Find it and after the test ends it will reward you with 50 Alpha Points. Limit 1.)
- Blue Gem (Find it and after the test ends it will reward you with 50 Alpha Points. Limit 1.)
- Green Gem (Find it and after the test ends it will reward you with 50 Alpha Points. Limit 1.)
- Player vs Player (PvP) will be enabled on a special map that you can join. It will be disabled on normal maps.
- Chat will be fixed (no more backspacing to break it)
- "Fall back shaders" have been introduced. If your graphics card cannot handle the current graphics it will "fall back" to less pretty, more functional ones. (Pink screen bug)
- Monster "breaking" has been fixed -- although there might be more problems to discover! (it is Alpha Testing after all!)
- The main purpose of this test is stability. It is exciting because the things we are doing are new... but pales in comparison to the combat tests that will be coming in the following weeks. *literally on the edge of seat for elemental combat with multi class combo attacks!*
QUESTION: What is a feature you would LOVE to see in AdventureQuest 3D?