Archived Design Notes

When I Close My Eyes I See Dungeons

Posted by Yergen on

Yergen here! So this week the team has been hard at work. I mean REALLY hard at work. We are busting butt to get a working phase 1 dungeon put together. Some key elements we want to see in this phase 1 is a base player (currently we just have the female, but don’t worry, there will be a male too.), running around in a dungeon with monsters in it that animate and attack you. Xero , and Llussion created some amazing dungeon pieces inspired by designs by Thyton. My task has been to take all those pieces and layout the dungeon rooms.  At first I was like “No problem. Easy-peasy”, but then I started getting into it and my tune changed. When creating a background for one of our 2D games you create one view. Our artists are amazing at creating that one view, but in the 3D game, you can run all around that one view, so the candelabra against the wall has to look good from all angles. And the view from one way may look fine, but when you turn around, the whole thing looks empty. I could tell right away that I had a lot of work to do… However the more I started getting into it, the more fun I started having. Then when you start adding lights to the room it gets even better. Then comes the part that could almost never end… Details. Deeetaiiiillls! Details in these dungeons really give it life and character. They tell the story, without “telling the story”.  The more details you add the more life the room gets. Unfortunately you could add detail till the end of days, at some point you have to say “Save… and done!”  The bigger the room, the more details that are need, and we have some pretty big rooms! Adding all this stuff has been a blast to do. I’ve always enjoyed adding details to everything I do. It’s funny; I had someone read my stars about 20 years ago, and said that I am a Saggitarious with a Saggitarious rising. Then they said that I enjoy making worlds. Pretty crazy huh? That is EXACTLY what I am doing (and enjoying myself).


I promised some concepts, and I am delivering one massive piece. Llussion created this to show the scale of a kingdom. This piece is beautiful, and big! Llussion said that from wall to wall is around 700 meters (in game)

Concept Art Design Kingdom AQ3D

The original was so big he had to scan it in four parts, and then stitch it together. Best word to describe it… Epic.

Well more dungeons to populate, so back to the grind stone.  Yergen out!