Rapid Fire Wednesday Returns!
Posted by Artix onDage's Birthday
It is finally time! On Friday, the long awaited and highly anticipated "Dage's Birthday Shop" will open with the most wicked looking items in AdventureQuest Worlds. Ever since Dage joined us as an game artist, he has been continually improving his skills. Not just in drawing, flash but also in painting and creating armor in real life. He has a deep passion for what he does -- and it should not surprise any of you who follow him on his @DageTheEvil Twitter that he works late through the nights and on the weekends to make sure the art he creates for the game tops the previous thing he created. I do not think the few of you who comment on his sneak peak picture postings have any idea how much it means to him and inspires him. To celebrate his real life birthday a bunch of us from the lab are taking him to play paintball. Dage and Faith made special cosplay armor to battle in!
The new Town of Battleon: Next Week!
How do you "re-do" something that we are used to seeing for the past 4 years!? Easy. You DO NOT "re-do" it!!! Nope, you "upgrade" it! Make it better, not different is the motto for the huge upgraded town of Battleon coming to AdventureQuest Worlds NEXT week. J6 has been redrawing the town and it looks... AWESOME! We were very careful not to change the very first scene. Well, other than to give it a better view of the larger town now featuring a library, weapon shop, battle collisium, flight roust, player housing, and more. The artwork was only part one, each week, alongside our normal releases, we will be adding new quests, shops , challenges and even reputation/classes to each shop. The beginning of the game will be filled with so much more for both new and older players to do.
HeroMart's new Shirt "No, You Can't Be a Mod!"
I cannot believe we are selling this.... actually, I cannot believe 144 players already bought one in the first hour. You guys either crazy, have a great sense of humor or both. The shirt is available in two colors and ALL sizes at our official store HeroMart.com. (Includes bizzare in game items)
AdventureQuest 3D is making good progress. Draven is building our new, new new (I think we rebuilt it three times now) interface. He will be showing it to Yergen and I in about 30 minutes. Because of the extra week, our Xero & Thyton had time to resize and re-texture a bunch of the old helms, shoulders and weapons into the new style. We are going to add as many as possible. I will post some pretty pictures of 3D thingies for you tomorrow :-)