AdventureQuest 3D Update
Posted by Artix onMultiplayer Combat... now with 100% more Combat!
In the great words of Crushcrush the slightly more odorous than usual Trollok, "We dun makey da server exploady good!" This is a pretty amazing feet for the record. Being more ordorous and smelly than normal Trolloks that is. They smell worse than a garbage juice, corpse socks & vegamite cassorole. In other news, basic combat is mostly working... other than the game server crashing every 5 minutes thing, the graphics and animation is looking pretty good! This is very simliar to the Oversoul stress tests where we just keep finding things that break, fix them, and try again endlessly until the game finally works. Our test area includes a small town and a cave full or purply glowly evil rock looking stuff. We do not know what is at the end of the cave because it is overflowing with monsters and there is no HEAL or REST in the game yet. Game of Bones - "You win... or you DIE (and respawn way back at the start)" Playing with no heals or rest is quite challenging. Especially since the monsters are currently set in a challenging way that, if you play perfectly, doing every single skill at the max best you can do, they still effortlessly kill you and dance on what remains of your crushed character.
(Actual in browser screenshot)
The default weapon is a 3d version of the default sword from DragonFable. Our writers worked endlessly through the night to appropriately name the item "Dragonfable Sword." Other weapons currently dropping from the Trollow, Skeleton, & Stone Monster include the King's Blade (looks like King Alteon's Sword), the Widow's Vemoncarver (I took the King's blade, tinted it green, and photoshopped a spider on it -- seriously), the Skullsword of Skelerizing, and yes.. OH YES... the Blinding Light of Destiny. Which is currently a ultra-teeny-tiny% drop off of the hardest of the monsters. Every single person in the game got it before I did. O_o.
Artix: Ok... is this bugged? I have NEVER seen an item drop from this monster!
Zhoom: How many times have you killed it?
Artix: At least 150 times now!
Zhoom: Hmmm, you just need to keep trying.
*A new tester has joined the server*
Tester: Hi guys! Oooh cool, a monster, can I help?
Artix: Sure!
*Kills monster, treasure chest drops Blinding Light of Destiny!*
*Artix cannot roll, he just died*
*Tester rolls a 99... wins Blinding Light of Destiny*
Zhoom: See, I told you items drops are working!
Stress Test! "Tenatively" Scheduled for next Wednesday
The servers are not online now, BUT!!!!! We are hoping to bring the server up for you guys for a little bit on Wednesday... and see what happens when we get a ton of people online. We are, however, having problems with older computers getting 3-4 frames per second. This is because our maps are not yet optimized. I am very concerned that a lot of players (even after taking the AlphaKnight Oath) are expecting this to be a playable game for this upcoming test -- which it is not. In fact, we should drop the official status of the game back to "Alpha" to help clarify this with a heavy emphasis on this is a network stability test, not a graphics, animation, nor any other type of Gameplay test. Maybe we can get Beleen to make a video that you watch prior to the tests explaining what we are testing?
Want to see a video?
I made a video of my screen with my iPhone and posted it on my Facebook page. If you want to watch it... you have to hit like and share. Deal? (Shameless Facebook plugging bribery!) Like, Share & Watch the video on Bookfaceheadthingysite!
Awesome, you clicked on the link to read the full post. You deserve a special reward for your awesomeness! Tune into TruTV and watch "Guiness Book of World Records Gone Wild" -- there is a guy who will be pogo-ing on a shovel chopping potatoes. He has been in the previews for the show all week... we think that after we defeated EbilCorp, the Board of Directors canned the Chairman and he assumed the identity of this other guy. Needless to say... all of us here at the lab will be watching tonight.
Potato on!