You’ll LOVE these new releases!
Posted by Beleen onFind your SoulMate in OverSoul! Cupidtheus, the Valentine’s Character, has flown on over to OverSoul. And the highly anticipated Strom Character has finally reached its Legendary Evolution: Storm Trainee to Storm Squire to Storm Knight! Golbin has also been released, along with a revamped Card Screen.
All is fair in love and war, so put your heart on the line and join the Tournament of Heroes! Step into Battleon’s brand-new Battle Coliseum as backstabbing warriors compete to become Swordhaven’s General and win right to court King Alteon’s heir, Princess Brittany. Gear up in all new Heroes Heart Day Event Rares, permanent item rewards, and everyone’s favorite Heroes Heart Day items from years past. It’s up to you to ensure the best warrior for the job… and the kingdom of Swordhaven… wins the Tournament of Heroes!
Valentine’s Day is Epic! Last year’s Heartbreaker seasonal rares have returned along with a new Varium package with 4 new Azrael weapons: a physical and energy version of Azrael's Anguish sidearm, and Azrael's Annihilator auxiliary. Crafted by otherworldly engineers, these devastating weapons of warfare come equipped with active skill core. You’ll fall in love with these weapons as you become the most epic dueler in all of EpicDuel Omega!
Fall in love with HeroSmash! Super snuggly items have made the scene in this week’s Heroes Heart Day shop. Show your true love how super you really are!
Snugglefest is here! Unfortunately, not everyone can enjoy this celebration with their ‘shmoopy-doopy’ because… *dramatic pause*… they don’t have one! In the name of love, one revolutionary hero has endeavored to save our fair townsfolk from their single lives! Another Rare Item Hunt has been released, and check out the Red Viking, Red Valkyrie, Rose Maiden, and Suave player faces in Warlic's Magic Mirror!
Snuggle ON!