As you read this the AdventureQuest 3D project has made a much needed breakthrough. The front end of our 3D game is now running in flash! It is not perfect mind you... the framerate dropped by 80%, there are tons of glitches, and our custom pixel shaders which give the game a professional and "heavenly" look... all broke. Terribly. Minimal and Zhoom have had more stress than I have seen them endure since the recoding of AQWorlds from actionscript to to Actionscript 3 -- but we expect these things to be fixable.
The goal has always been to use Flash's new hardware accellerated 3D ability to run AQ3D. Our time table was pushed up A LOT with the announcement of Adobe's new licencing fee structure which will take an additional 9% on top of our other rediculous server, payment provider, software licencing and other growing costs. So, our goal is to have the walk, chat, and equip part of AdventureQuest 3D online and playable, even if it is bare bones, before August 1st so we can be grandfathered in before this new licensing fee takes place. We are going to finish the Flash conversion before bringing the alpha chat test back online. Which should be interesting... because both the Flash and Unity versions of the game will both let you access the same game server. Please wish us luck. (We are going to need it.)
And that means it's release day! Here's what's going on in all the games:
AdventureQuest Worlds Fire and Ice combine this week to make your weekend extreme! AQWorlds heats up as we release the much-requested Pyromancer Class! After sending your enemies up in flames, cool off as you head back into the chilly darkness for a member-only release in Battleunder! In The Span, Bulbug's House shop and Cysero's Orb Pet shop both gain new versions of your favorite gear from AQ, DF, and MQ!
EpicDuel Tonight is WAR! The Infernal Mines are boiling over with the sounds of clashing weapons and exploding ordinance. Descend into the heart of Delta V and declare your allegiance with the Exiles or Legion to fight for the mysterious Delta Vault and what lies within! New battle modes, new grenades, new NPCs and a boatload of new achievements will make this one of the biggest releases EpicDuel has ever seen! The Infernal Mines are boiling over with the sounds of clashing weapons and exploding ordinance. Descend into the heart of Delta V and declare your allegiance with the Exiles or Legion to fight for the mysterious Delta Vault and what lies within! New battle modes, new grenades, new NPCs and a boatload of new achievements will make this one of the biggest releases EpicDuel has ever seen!
DragonFable Log in tonight and continue your journey through the dreamscape-turned-nightmare. Things aren't always what they seem...
MechQuest Permanent versions of the Avenger-themed weapons are coming to Parker's Books on Planet Zargon and lots of fancy bug fixes in preparation of the upcoming 4th of July mecha!
HeroSmash Summer is officially here! Check out the new Summer shop to get your new gear. Some items will come back next year and some will become permanent rares. Also, be sure to log in on Sunday to get your hands on the goods at thew limited time Freedom shop.
AdventureQuest Classic This week, travel to Paxia to continue to unravel the mystery surrounding the Chessmaster!
This new hot-headed art by Dage was inspired by the upcoming Pyromancer class in AdventureQuest Worlds. You can see the full Pyromancer skill list on the AQWorld's design notes. It is going to be a really interesting class to play. We expect to build a pyromancer class for AQ3D as well, but we have two sizable challenges that we are working through now. For example, as you are readnig this we are making the 3D game work in Flash. Check back here tomorrow for the inside scoop on when the current Alpha test will resume.
The last sheet of Paper
This is one of those special stories that no other sane video game studio would share. But I like letting you in on things like this... or continuing the story if you somehow knew about this when it started. 6 months ago... when we moved into the new lab and just before starting on the AdventureQuest 3D: Legend of LORE project, I <gulps> organized all my notes. Which is to say... I sifted through a literal mountain (easily 4ft tall - what I did not throw away is pictured to the right) of unorganized papers, sketch pads, notebooks and half torn paper napkins filled to the brim with my ideas, sketches, forumulas, interface designs. Everyone has their own way of communicating with others. How do you do communicate complicated ideas? I am very visual, so I keep a notepad close and draw my ideas as I am talking about them. But it is not the filled pages I wanted to talk to you about today... it was the pages that had nothing on them. The blank pages. While organizing I found MANY sheets (120 to 150?) of empty, white, perfectly clean pages. Sometimes, when the notebooks fill up you grab some paper off the printer, but the bottom ones end up unused and somehow get left in with the used ones. So I started a pile of "unused paper." Most of them were from the days I was working on DragonFable with Zhoom. They felt like unused artifacts. Were they blank pages... or unfired ammo from an ancient battle? Sure, I could have just thrown them away, or put them in a printer. But instead, I took the giant stack of paper and placed it on my desk and made the paper a sincere promise. "You missed your opportunity to become a part of the design for DragonFable, MechQuest, AQWorlds and our other games since... but you have not missed your chance to be part of our future and you will not be discarded. ALL of you will be made part of the new projects we are building. Every single one of you!" (does anyone else talk to, and make promises to, their paper?) It has been 6 months and nearly every sheet has been used on this new game project. So, I wanted to share with you... my kept promise... and a photo of last sheet of paper -- whose destiny today, is to help design AQ3D's "talk to an NPC" interface.
Good luck little piece of coffee-stained paper... we are all counting on you. Crafting Formula of the Day: Mix Paper + Pyromancer class to summon Fire Truck.
Friday is release day... and this weekend's line up is awesome. AdventureQuest Worlds is starting the next Chaos Lord saga (YES!!!!!!!!) Also, the winners of the 2012 DoomWood art contest were posted. Meanwhile, EpicDuel is about to release a major Wa... Huh? One second. *muffled distant voice* Really? Pushed back? Seriously? Awww man. *back to full voice Microphone* Um, EpicDuel is going to be marketing what they are going to release NEXT WEEK. Meanwhile, DragonFable is quickly approaching the end of Chapter 2. MechQuest's planet zombie themed Romero is now complete and team is releasing a few new items as the team ramps up for the coming onslaught of the full ShadowScythe armada. In the original AdventureQuest, you can now battle the final boss of the Bizzare Flecks saga.
In a surprise twist, our crazy and unscripted Sock Puppet show ended with the start of our 1st alpha test for AdventureQuest 3D: Legend of Lore. The alpha test server is currently offline, but this test is not over yet. So if you have not gotten your 250pts yet -- do not worry! We will continue the test next week after making a bunch of fixes. This really does feel like the start of a new "good ol' days." Minimal and I recognized so many of you from the AQWorlds Alpha and the PTR. It was almost like a reunion. A lot of familliar names were missing though... so looking forward to seeing the rest of you very soon!
Hanging out with players near the Chapel.
There are SO MANY BUGS to fix. My favorite, though, is when one person jumps EVERYONE jumps. That is almost a feature. The server crashed 3 times during the test. But overall, things looked really promising. If you look to the right (soon) there will be a link and "server status" for the new 3D game. Please check here often to see when the alpha is playable.
American Ninja Warrior... Chairman Platinum on TV!?
On G4 this Sunday, the TV show "American Ninja Warrior" will be showing its southeastern regional qualifier episode. Which we should all watch because there is a REALLY good chance that Chairman Platinum, wearing his black suit, will be running the obstacle course. If you want the FULL STORY... read on!
My good friend Roam (you may recognize him from the HeroMart video) told me he wanted to be on the American Ninja Warrior show. Realizing this was a terrible idea... I immediately joined him and we filmed and made submission videos. Chairman Platinum found out about this -- and apparently made a submission video too. The people in charge of the show approved ALL three of the videos and invited us to compete... provided that the Chairman wear his evil black suit, Roam wore renaissance gear and I wore my armor. Excited about being able to compete against Chairman Platinum in person, we made an agreement that if I won, we got Oversoul back. However, the stakes were high, if Chairman Platinum won... he got our entire game studio. O_O You know what they say, "Go big... or go home." We anxiously awaited to find out when they were going to film the show... but when I got the call... I WAS ALREADY 6,314 MILES AWAY IN JAPAN! (I am not making this up.) Unable to return home in time, the only option was for Roam to compete against Chairman Platinum on my behalf. He did. But contestants of the show are forbidden from revealing what happened or posting pictures until AFTER the episode airs. The rest of the staff and I will not know what happens until the show is on TV. They were filmed in Miami and that episode is airing this Sunday night at 9pm EST on G4 TV. I was anxious to announce this earlier... but, you should know, there are literally hundreds of contestants that went to the qualifiers in Miami. They only show a handful of the people who compete on TV. So before I went announcing this all over the place we needed to verify that they were actually going to appear on TV! But when Roam and I called the producer they were unable to tell us. So... we do not know if Chairman Platinum or Roam will appear on the episode or not. If they do... they will be easy to spot! So there it is, the whole story. The team is going over to my house to watch Sunday night... we will see you on Twitter!
Thus it shall be named, and within we shall explore a vast new expanding world, become masters of the elements, unlock the power of the Dragon's light, and discover the secrets of the mysterious Grimsbane. But first, we need to see if we can make chat work. Chat-only alpha test with incomplete graphics begins!
NOTE: The alpha server is currently OFFLINE while we "fix things."
Did we surprise you? If you qualify, please help us alpha test our multiplayer server and chat. NOTE! This is not a playable game. This is not even a Beta test. This is the absolute earliest test of a game concept. An Alpha test is like a sketch, NOTHING is finished nor final! (please repeat this over and over in your head and to other players -- most people are not used to seeing things before they are finished.) The Alpha tests will be unbearably laggy, buggy and most things will break in new and horrific ways. (Ah... just like the good ol' days.) Most game companies would never show an alpha test to their players… but we are different. We want you involved from the start. All graphics, animation, and everything will be changed based on your feedback. Your duty is to tell us everything that breaks, works, needs improvement and work alongside us to make this the web-based 3D game that you have always dreamed of playing.
Thank you for your help!
Naming AdventureQuest 3D has been one of the most challenging things we have done. Originally, we wanted to call it "LORE" (aka Land of Rising Evil) which was the original name of AdventureQuest before we named it AdventureQuest. However, for legal reasons we were unable to call this game just LORE.We were also unable to call it the other 5 dozen names we liked... many of them suggested by you guys! I would like to thank everyone who gave us name ideas on my Twitter, FaceBook, and comments. Just between us... the team was completely deadlocked in trying to name the game for over a month. We made a giant list... and after doing all the "what are we legally allowed to use" and "what actually fits the game," we finally narrowed it down to 4 choices. I actually registered all 4 domain names just in case. We always talk about how the players help shape the games and help us make decisions... well this was a big one. I made the post here on, on FaceBook, and on Twitter.... the response from all sources made our choice clear. If you voted for one of the others, do not worry... all of these are things that will be in the game.
Check back tomorrow for more on this project. Battle on!
If you’re looking for AQ3D’s first ever Monster Design Contest submission page, then you’re in the right place!
To submit your monster design for this contest, post your entry in the comments of this post. All non-entry comments will be deleted.
To read Yergen's detailed description of the contest, go here.
This contest will run until 11:59am (noon) on October 5th. The contest has ended. The winners will be announced on October 12th.
1. Artwork may be created using any medium: pen, pencil, Flash, crayon, chalk, etc. 2. Must be original. No Screenshots, no copy/paste, no stenciling or tracing. 3. Concept cannot be based on any existing monsters. This includes other games, tv shows, movies, anime, manga, comics, novels, other people’s concepts, your brother’s concept, and anything else not created by you. 4. You may only submit one monster. 5. Your submission must include the concept sketch AND a description of the monster. 6. Images entered must be in .jpg format. 7. All entries must be completed and finished by Friday, October 5th at 11:59AM (noon) Eastern Time. The contest has ended. No new entries will be accepted. 8. Do not use image tags, just post a link to your image. 9. Images must be no larger than “800x600” 10. Not following the above rules will warrant immediate disqualification. 11. Ultra scary monsters are fine, just please keep your submissions family-friendly!
In the comments section, submit the following:
A link to your monster design image.
A creative description / background info / special abilities / etc. of your monster.
Have fun, and we look forward to seeing your vicious creations! *REMINDER:Once you submit your comment below, it will go under review. Your comment will be invisible until a moderator approves it. Moderators approve comments every day. If you don't see your comment yet, please check again the next day.*
Thank you to whomever reminded me on Twitter that I said we were going to announce the name of AdventureQuest 3D in a *coughs* live puppet show. LOL. I am a man of my word... so in between running our booth and panel at the MetroCon convention this weekend, we will be breaking out the sewing machine and sewing some sock puppets for what will potentially be the worst and most embarrasing idea in AE HISTORY! So, next week (probably Thursday night) join us LIVE in AdventureQuest Worlds where we will be streaming 30 minutes of sock puppet AQ3D naming chaos! We will answer questions about the upcoming game, give an update on the alpha (AQWorlds Members are invited to participate in the Alpha Tests),do random things... expect a lot of randomness. It is a sock puppet show after all.
Cysero just messaged me, "I was just thinking that we don't do nearly enough puppetry around here!"
Next Wednesday - Reddit AWA (3pm est)
Next Thursday - LIVE Puppet Show (6pm est in-game in AQWorlds)
Next weekend - Chairman Platinum of EbilCorp may be on the American Ninja Warrior TV show. (There is a chat log related to this that YOU NEED TO SEE... coming soon.)
As many of you know, we take your opinions VERY seriously. You're always the first we think of when we make important decisions in any of our games. And right now we need your help making one of the most important decisions about AQ3D.
What should we name AQ3D? 1 - DragonsLight 2 - Game of Dragons 3 - Grimsbane 4 - Legend of Lore
You can either vote in the poll on the Artix Krieger facebook page or leave a comment below with your choice. Thank you for all your help!
The local NBC Channel 8 WFLA news did a story on Artix Entertainment today! Needless to say... we are SOOOOOO EXCITED!!! A lot of the team made it into the video segement, as did Cysero's shoeless feet, Beleen's pink ball-seat-thing, and even Daimyo (who was apparently playing dead). However... during this video they used real names. So, for the 3 of you left who do not know my real name yet, we need to make the same deal that I made with all of my other online friends, ok? In and around our games and community please call me Artix. In person, private emails, or via telepathy/smoke-signals/etc you can call me anything you would like. For the record, Kimberly from One-Eyed Doll has only ever called me Artix - no one else has matched her amazing spotless record... yet. The news reporter did not have to be nice to us (we did not even get to see this before it went live) but she painted an amazing glimpse of our game development team which creates the weekly releases every single week. Enjoy the video.... BATTLE ON!
The 3D game project is making a lot of progress.... not too shabby-looking for a browser-based game! It feels like a whole new "good old times" is in store for us as this new saga of our gaming community quickly approaches.
As we march on towards the 10-year anniversary of our 1st game, AdventureQuest, this October, our indie game studio has been getting a lot of love. Everyone seems excited about the lineup in games like AQWorlds (we have Guilds, the final Friday the 13th of the year, the Nulgath vs Dage War and more coming) and our new upcoming games OverSoul (which I am going to win back from EbilCorp's Chairman Platinum in two weeks during American Ninja Warrior - come back tomorrow for the full story) and of course, the highly anticipated AdventureQuest 3D - which does not have an official name yet... and I am told that every day we wait to name it, kittens get taken prisoner and turned into new, horrifying LOLCat memes.
The Artix Entertainment team will be running a booth next weekend at the MetroCon convention in Tampa, FLA. The voice actor who did Piccalo from DragonBall Z will be there -- I am really excited about meeting him and some of the other guests. We will be running a panel! It will be EARLY (well, early for us) at 10am on Saturday in room... um... find the room with a crazy game developer running around battling undead in the Paladin armor below and go in that one! We have been learning how to craft cosplay armor!
Armor Making 101
If you follow me on Twitter, you may already know that we have been spending a day each weekend for the past 3 weeks learning how to make cosplay armor. It is the MOST FUN I have ever had burning my hand with a hot glue gun. Dage, Galanoth, Faith, a few other team members and I all cram ourselves into the greenscreen room where we set up a bunch of tables (stations.) We saw a fewYouTube videos were people were making Halo armor from gym floor mats. So we bought a giant box of the mats. Talking about boxes... we had A LOT (Sneevil heaven) of boxes from the actionfigure shipments, so we used those to draw and cut out templates for the armor pieces. Then we traced them on the gym floor mats and cut them out with a electrically heated exacto knife (honestly, the non-heated exacto knife worked every bit as well.) Then we bent the pieces of "gym-floor-armor" and heated them with a a heat gun -- which is basically a super powerful hairdryer that you would NEVER WANT TO GET NEAR YOUR HEAD. (Why do I always learn the hard way?) Then you glue the pieces... and often your fingers... together with a hot glue gun. Finally, the armor is spray painted completely black, and then, just like when coloring armor for the video games, you paint the light onto it with the gray/silver/gold paint. Considering the Paladin armor was our 1st attempt, I am really happy with the way it came out. I took the photo above before being forced to leave the Lab. Maybe I should put this on and do a live-action video design notes? OMG!!!!!! I nearly forgot. We are going to be on the WFLA Channel 8 news tomorrow morning! If it is not mind destroyingly horrific, I will get a video from the news company and post it for you.
P.S. What do you think we should try to make next? DragonSlayer Armor, Sepulchure Armor, Dage the Evil Armor, or do you have another idea? Message me @ArtixKrieger on Twitter